A Day in the Life of Kindergarten!


Your teacher will provide you and your child with a weekly newsletter. In addition, the teacher will communicate classroom activities, happenings, and student learning through a digital learning journal called Seesaw.  More information on how to access this app will be provided weeks prior to the start of the school year.

Your child will also have a take home folder.  Please check this each day as it will be a way to send important messages/forms back and forth. 

The Elementary Building will send monthly newsletters through Messenger, you will receive these and other important messages through email. 

School Hours

7:45                  Doors Open   

7:45-8:05         Morning recess

8:10                   School begins

2:45                   Dismissal 

2:55                    Buses leave


Opening/Morning Meeting




Shared Reading

Read Aloud

Independent Reading

Small Group Reading

Literacy Choices

Writer’s Workshop




(we are outside up to -10 degrees below windchill)

Library visits- at least once a week

Art- once every 5 days


Read Aloud


Math Choices

Whole Group Math

Partner Activity

Independent Math

Theme- Social Studies/Science



Self-Directed Learning

Treats | Visits

Birthday treats must be pre-packaged and purchased. Please NO birthday invitations. 

If you'd like to visit, please make a plan with your child's teacher and leave your other children at home. Please wait at least 30 days before visiting to allow your child to adjust to their new surroundings. Before entering the class, you must check in at the office.

Helpful Tips