We have TONS of backpacks! If you would like a FREE backpack please reach out!

Please don't hesitate to reach out for support or resources!

Contact: Annalise Thompson at 218-258-8991 ext. 2912 or email at asettergren@isd2142.k12.mn.us

Great parenting books

I do have all of these books in my office, if you would like to borrow any please let me know!


poster homeless or in transition parents (5) (2)[2389]

Homeless and in transition School Resource

211 Resources (5) (2)[2388]

United Way 211 Resources and Contact information

Sexual Violence Advocacy Services

N. St. Louis County Sexual Assault Program and advocacy center

Community Resources

Community Resources- Many categories. Call or email me for more information on each


If you are in need of clothing for your children, please reach out! We have a wide variety of clothing and shoes for different age groups available as needed. Let me know what you need and I can get you a bag of clothing. Most of it is BRAND NEW. Clothing is expensive, and kids grow fast! Please don't hesitate to reach out!

EAP Flyer.pdf

Energy Assistance program

Minnesota's Energy Assistance Program offers residents help to pay their energy bills. Grants range from $300-$1,600. Click on the picture to learn how to apply! Please reach out to me if you would like help applying.

Our local EAP Agency: Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency

218-749-2912 or 1-800-662-5711

Virginia, MN