Xbox and Playstation and more!

New Xbox, i mean project scorpio? Buy Or meh?

Yes Project Scorpio. Apparently it's the new Xbox Coming Holiday 2017 and it says it is "Going to be the most powerful console ever" said, Microsoft. Shooting at 4K "True Gaming" apparently. Now this sounds like something I would like or maybe even buy, I don't know about you guys, But I can tell some people Don't want to an upgrade that fast. Then that strikes a question And who knows why is it called Project Scorpio? Can it be called what the Xbox One was going to be called the "Xbox 720" because why not? Like, it does not even say Xbox almost anywhere. Yes it has a Scorpio engine but honestly, you do not need to point it out the in title like, Come On Son! And yes it will have a Vapor Chamber and a centrifugal fan, but so what I bet they could have put those things on the Xbox One in 2 seconds. Like think about it I will give you a few seconds to think about it. I'm going to run a poll on Instagram and see what you guys think. See you in a while. But guys in my honest opinion I have to say meh.
