new update: the website was never made back on. oops.

Well, I wrote the last update in Sept. 2017, and now it's may 2018 and I've done almost nothing with this site. Wa-hoo.

New Update October 2019: I ate people. A lot of them. They're gone.

Website made:


The Nerd Herd is finally here!

After months of work, a first website on a single topic, many more members to help me create this... The Nerd Herd is finally here! Hence the name Nerd Herd, we will be covering all things movies, shows, games, books, and much more. We will also have pages for specific franchises such as Star Wars and Call of Duty. We'll have suggestions on stuff to buy, news on upcoming games, books, movies, etc. We will also have pages for each of the members where they can put anything funny they found, or just something they wanted to say. The website will be updated at least once a week, unless if we say otherwise. So far we have three members: (the three in the logo) Logan (left) Sam AKA me (middle) and Jordan (right). We are about to have many more members though. So... yeah! If your already here, thanks for looking at the website and reading this long boring stuff! Bye! P.S. We are still building the website... so stay tuned!

Sincerely, Sam

2019 Update:

Hi all it is Jordan, I'm sorry to say but I think this is farewell. Me and the guys have just don't have much more inspiration to continue "The Nerd Herd." For now, I just wanted to talk about the story of the Nerd Herd and where it all went south. To start, Sam, Logan, (and I'm pretty sure Cade), made a website specifically for Star Wars, and then, it turned into the Nerd Herd. Sam and Logan, then invited me, Cade, Tristan ETC. At the start was the prime of the nerd herd, there was a lot of ideas and everyone was having a blast. But before we knew it, it was summer. And at the time we had bigger priorities *cough* video games. And me and Sam made a commitment to start back up when the 2017 - 2018 school year came. But, that's we realized we'd have less time to pursue the Nerd Herd. The homework started piling up, and school was kind of getting stressful. And, as I say it, the Nerd Herd, Officially died. We all wanted to continue, but it's hard when we want to be creative and do things, when school is getting harder, and when we just think a lot of games are not as good as they were when we were having a blast working on the website. We appreciate everyone who at least viewed our site and possibly enjoyed it. Bye All. Thanks for maybe reading this. P.S Depending if I can try to get the gang back together and make the Nerd Herd comeback of the century. If not, I guess this might be bye forever.

2020 UPDATE:

We are going forever...

Logan here, just the other day I was scrolling through my old websites, and I stumbled across this. I haven't been since 6/3/17. Heck, I don't even have a random stuff page! Just coming on to tell you that Jordan was right and we are gone for good. Maybe someday we can come back, but until then, this is goodbye.