Minecraft on the 3ds

So I was browsing through Instagram and I saw, Minecraft on the 3DS and I was like woah, a DS can handle that? It is kinda weird because I thought they were focusing on the new Minecraft right now. But i guess it is actually pretty cool.... I wish I still had my 3DS.

- Jordan

Mario run! Continued

Yes I'm back, let's continue where we left of shall we? Mario first appeared in Donkey Kong in 1981. At the time Mario was just a grain of sand in this game Donkey Kong. As years passed, Mario got his own game. Super Mario Bros. It came in 1985, and at the time it was probably one of the best games ever. (Yes Ever) With his partner Luigi they were unstoppable. Fast Forward like 21 years and we got New Super Mario Bros. on the DS. And Mario was still amazing, but it was missing something...... huh what could it be oh yeah that NOSTALGIC vibe. Then in 2009 came New Super Bros on the Wii. And believe me I played the heck out of this thing as a kid. Like, literally this is the second Mario game. I didn't know better I could play it with my dad all day. Back to Mario Run. Yes some people are probably gonna be like, Well, Jordan it has Toad Rally as a game mode on Run! Yes Toad Rally is really fun but they could do more. And yes people said it would only be on Apple. People at Android were mad! They wanted Mario!! And they were not gonna stop until they got Mario. And Apple people were like, (including me) thought iPhone 7 + Mario Run = Happiness. Yes I was right when I got the 7 for Christmas then I got Mario run, BUT THEN I BEAT IT IN A WEEK!! And yes Toad Rally ain't enough to satisfy me or the millions of other people, who honestly wasted their money. This is Nintendo, WE NEED MOOLAH!!

P.S Just save up your money then buy a Nintendo Switch. Then just wait for Super Mario Odyssey.

- Jordan

Is this why super mario run came to be?

You know it. Nintendo had not made something cool in a while. So the idea sparked, Let's make a mobile game with one of our most popular character Mario. Okay what should we do? What about we let people play 3 levels then they have to pay 10$ to play the rest. That's stupid. They were probably in need of a little cash. Think of it this way, The Wii U was really..... dull. Going back to Science of Switch, the Wii U is just this little tablet thing that if you sorta kinda wanted you to feel like you were playing Xbox or something like that, you would have to pay a extra 50$ for a controller + the 250$ Wii U you just bought. I mean amiibos did pretty well because in Super Smash Bros for example you would have you're Mii (Wii character) then you would place an amiibo on the the pad then it would fight with you. But even after that they were still lacking of quality. Okay back to the main topic, Yes it is a Very fun game overall, but it lacks of this quality. You still don't get that nostalgic feeling when playing this game. Maybe if you got to play the old Mario pixelation style but still be playing Super Mario Run, then maybe people will get that nostalgic vibe. That just shows you that companies like that are always in need of a little cash once in a while. And Super Mario Maker is a really good game because, you can get that new feeling and old feeling by making your own levels. CASH. I will make a second article BYE!

- Jordan

Does the nintendo switch need call of duty?

Okay. Really. Nintendo. Stop.

Do you need Call of Duty on the Nintendo switch? Or just third party games for that matter? Can the Switch even support Call of Duty so people can actually have fun playing COD on the Switch? Let's see what people on Gamespot have to say.

VFighter ponders, "They probably didn't have the dev kits in time for Sledgehammer/Activision. But even if they did I can't see the switch being powerful enough to run any current fps without major changes to the games."

You know VFighter is probably right, can the Switch even handle those graphics ? It is only 720p. Like, honestly who says, I bought the switch for Call Of Duty. That's ridiculous. Well I'm out. P.S If you are a switch owner dealing with this honestly, just get Splatoon 2.

- Jordan

THe science of switch

Lot's of people including me have been wondering since March: What has made the Switch so good that it has beaten out Nintendo's passed failing consoles? (A little a bit of credit to Game Theory who had the same idea as I did with this theory). OK, let's begin. So it goes back to 1983. The NES came out, and it dominated, after all, it was an amazing product for it's time. Nobody else had a smartphone or handheld to be distracted with; it was a console gosh dang it! So the consumers... Consumed it! It was a massive hit- over 61 million consoles sold worldwide. So they made more: the SNES, Nintendo 64, GameCube, Wii (which has the most for Nintendo- over 100 million consoles sold!) But by then they couldn't compete anymore; Xbox and PlayStation had risen up. So they tried to make a new line of portable consoles- the Nintendo DS. It was an absolute smash hit. So the thought by then if they had dominated the portable consoles with the DS (and the new 3DS) they still had their swagger. And so was made the Wii U. But as we all knew... they were dead wrong. No one got the concept of the tablet thing and it lacked the third-party support that it needed to get by. So around 2014, Nintendo took a step back to assess the situation. They had been dominating the Portable Console world for years, unmatched. GameBoy, DS, the whole deal. But their regular console sales were going down and were only going to get worse. So Nintendo cooked up the perfect idea. Merge the two gaming universes: portable and stationary. And so was made the newest console- the Nintendo Switch. It was the best of both worlds! You can play Switch in the car with you on the go, or you can play on a TV through HDMI. In my opinion, it is an amazing idea and I think it was the idea that is going to get them back on their feet and from the Switch's success they may even be able to start making regular consoles again. But who knows... well thanks for reading this theory! I hoped you enjoyed it and found it interesting! Bye!
