Eagle View Elementary Library Media Center

HRS: Daily 8am-3pm | Contact: slevasseur@isd186.org

Ms Sheri Levasseur, (R) Teacher Librarian
Joan Ayers, (L), Library Clerk

Contact info: slevasseur@isd186.org

How many books can I check out?

Books check out for two weeks. Please carry books to and from school in a plastic shopping bag inside backpacks to protect them from accidents.  Library Policy for overdue/lost books, page 9-10

Happy Summer Reading! 

Our school library's are closed for the summer, but your town's public libraries are open all summer long! All you need to check out great books is a library card.  

Pequot Lakes Community Library has copies of all of the Minnesota Reading Award Nominee titles that we talked about at and had on display at our schools.  Scroll down the page to view these titles. 

Search your town online catalogs just like you do our school's.

Email Ms Levasseur your photo at slevasseur@isd186.org

2022-23 MinNESOTA Student Choice REading awards
the Myras

We have multiple copies of all of these titles in our school libraries & they are available at the Pequot Lakes Community Library as well.
Set a reading goal to read some/all  and VOTE! 

Star of the North Award
Grades PreK-2
Read 8 of the 10 and vote for your favorite in the Statewide Poll in March 2024.

Maud Hart Lovelace
Division 1 Grades 3-5
Read any three and vote for your favorite in the Statewide Poll March 2024.