
Distance Learning

Welcome to Pre-K Distance Learning Website and Family Engagement Activities

Below are Choice Board Activities for enhanced learning. Enjoy!

Dear Parents and Families:

As I write this, it is with many mixed emotions. The school year started out with the excitement that only a new adventure can bring. It then settled into a routine and pattern mixed with laughter and learning and watching your children grow academically and socially. Friendships were formed, relationships were strengthened between kids, parents, teachers and staff. Then wham, a virus stopped most of the world in its tracks. We went from classrooms and hallways filled with face to face hellos and high fives and hugs to anxiety, fear of the unknown and distance learning. As we worked to build partnerships with you in your child's learning, we also knew that you were having those hard discussions about why the world was so different. Why can't I go to school? Why can't I go play with my friends? Why do you still have to go to work and my friend's parents don't?

Yes, these past few months have not always been happy ones. We, as your Fridley Preschool support, are right there with you in all the emotions of the past few months. Yet, we did it. We made it to the end of the school year. While it isn't ending the way we all imagined, I hope all our families can walk away with a sense of comfort in that your child's well-being was always at the forefront of our work with you. As we move into summer, also please know that we are still here. I, Karin, will be working all summer so please feel free to reach out at any time with questions or concerns. We are still here for all of you.

As our state is slowly reopening, we know that the state Department of Health will continue to monitor the spread of COVID-19. We know that you all have questions about the reopening of schools in the fall. Please take comfort in knowing that while we may not know at this time what school will look like in the fall, we are preparing to start school on September 8, 2020, unless given different directions from the state of Minnesota. When we do start school in the fall, please know that our planning will keep the safety of your child and the staff a top priority.

We are in this together!

Please continue to follow the guidelines laid out by the state of Minnesota to help slow and contain the COVID-19 virus. Be well, stay safe and healthy, and it has been a honor to serve as the teachers and staff for you and your child. The summer is here and hopefully it is one filled with laughter, lots of time outside playing, and your continued health and safety as a treasured Fridley Preschool family. All the best to all of you.

Karin Beckstrand, PYP and Youth Services Coordinator 763-502-5117 612-475-1099 (school cell)

Choice Board for 3 & 4-year-old Preschool can be found below.

Previous Learning Choice Boards

Week 1 Learning Choice Board

Week of April 6 Choice Board

Week of April 13 Choice Board

June 1-5, 2020 is Family Engagement Week, sponsored by the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE)

Feel free to use this link to access more resources from MDE.

PreK 3 & 4 yo choice board April 20