4-year-old Preschool

Welcome to Fridley Preschool!

Classes are Monday-Friday from 8:15-11:15 for the AM class & 12:00-3:00 for the PM class

Connect with your child's Pre-K teacher:

Ms. Jaime Finch

Room 128

Call: 763-502-5124

Text: 612-405-9405

Email Ms. Jaime

Ms. Liz Schweitzer

Room 130

Call: 763-502-5128

Text: 612- 405- 9164

Email Ms. Liz

Mr. Colin Howell

Room 131

Call: 763-502-5133

Text: 623-562-0664

Email Mr. Howell

Ms. Ashton Enyart

Room 132

Call: 763-502-5131

Text: 612-405-9520

Email Ms. Ashton

Throughout the year, we will use this website page, along with the Seesaw app for the majority of our school and class communication! This website will be updated as we go, with links/activities & information. Since Seesaw is our Main Communication Tool, please make sure your Seesaw Notifications are turned ON to ensure you are receiving the latest information and messages from your child's teacher. Not on Seesaw? Ask your teacher for the access code!

Second Step Read-Alouds

IB Unit of Inquiry : Who We Are

An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities, and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human.

Central Idea: As people grow older, they change and learn how to do new things.

IB Learner Profile

September : Principled

We act with integrity & honesty.

We take responsibility for our actions.

We do the right thing.

We make good choices.

International Baccalaureate Units

IB Unit of Inquiry :

Who We Are

An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities, and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human.

Central Idea: As people grow older, they change and learn how to do new things.

Planner Length: We will revisit this unit of inquiry throughout the year to watch how we change!

IB Unit of Inquiry :

How We Express Ourselves

An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic.

Central Idea: There is a relationship between the ways we express our feelings and the environment.

Planner Length: Approx. 10 Weeks

October - December

IB Unit of Inquiry :

How We Organize Ourselves

An inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; societal decision-making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment.

Central Idea: Number systems provide a common language we can use to make sense of the world.

Planner Length: Approx. 10 Weeks

January - March

IB Unit of Inquiry :

Sharing the Planet

An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.

Central Idea: People take action to care for the Earth in many ways.

Planner Length: Approx. 10 Weeks

April - June

IB Learner Profiles

September: Principled

October: Risk-Takers

November: Communicators

December: Open-minded

January: Thinkers

February: Inquirers

March: Knowledgeable

April: Caring

May: Reflective

June: Balanced

Second Step Social Emotional Skills


WEEK 1: Welcoming

WEEK 2: Listening

WEEK 3: Focusing Attention

WEEK 4: Self-Talk

WEEK 5: Following Directions

WEEK 6: Asking for What You Want & Need


WEEK 7: Identifying Feelings

WEEK 8: More Feelings

WEEK 9: Identifying Anger

WEEK 10: Same or Different Feelings

WEEK 11: Accidents

WEEK 12: Caring & Helping


WEEK 13: We Feel Feelings in Our Bodies

WEEK 14: Strong Feelings

WEEK 15: Naming Feelings

WEEK 16: Managing Disappointment

WEEK 17: Managing Anger

WEEK 18: Managing Waiting


WEEK 19: Fair Ways to Play

WEEK 20: Having Fun with Friends

WEEK 21: Inviting to Play

WEEK 22: Joining in With Play

WEEK 23: Saying the Problem

WEEK 24: Thinking of Solutions

WEEK 25: Speaking Up Assertively


WEEK 26: Learning in Kindergarten

WEEK 27: Riding the Kindergarten Bus

WEEK 28: Making New Friends in Kindergarten