
Yoga is more than just stretching or physical postures. It is a unique workout for the mind and body. To help get yoga benefits, one will need to combine a specific set of exercises, also known as poses with breathing techniques as well as meditation principles. Yoga can be beneficial by utilizing mental and physical disciplines to achieve peacefulness for the body and mind. It can help with manage stress and anxiety while also keeping you relaxed. Yoga also helps with increasing flexibility, muscle strength and body tone

There are different types of yoga whereby some are for relaxation; others are for flexibility, strength, better posture, balance, or full work out. If a particular pose proves to be difficult for a student who is a first time learner, modifications can be easily made.

reasons to try yoga:

Reduce Stress

Students are stressed individuals who are keen on meeting various goals and proving their worth in society. Yoga, which is a mind-body practice, will enhance your mood by lowering the levels of stress and anxiety.

Relieve Depression

Yoga is known to have natural antidepressant effects. So instead of relying on medications day in day out, why not incorporate the right poses in your daily life to help decrease the production of cortisol, a stress hormone that is linked with depression.

Improves Sleep Quality

Poor sleep patterns and quality is associated with various diseases and disorders such as high blood pressure. However, for a student, multiple workloads and activities can affect sleep pattern. Therefore, by adopting yoga, you will have improved sleep quality and feel well rested in the morning.

Boosts Overall Quality of Life

Apart from keeping diseases at bay, yoga promotes body flexibility and balance. It also improves breathing, which keeps your lungs and hearts healthy. Since yoga places importance on mind, it encourages healthy eating habits, which works to curb disordered eating behaviors