Upcoming Events

Treasure Hunt 2.0:

The Science Club of Institute of Science, Nagpur is hosting an innovative science learning tool, The Treasure Hunt 2.O, Themed "SUPERRRRR MAR-IO".The following is a registration form for the same Click Here , please read the rules carefully before filling the form


1. Each team can have 5 members at the maximum (hopefully from 5 different backgrounds, one from each Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology)

2. Each team will be given a set of clues to start from and the same clue will lead you to the next one.

3. A help desk will be setup in Room no. 45 in order to help the participants with clues

    (For Example : If an answer to a question is Books and the team is not able to deduce that the next clue is placed in Library, They can come to the help desk with the answer to the question and can ask for the directions to the next clue, given that the answer to the question is absolutely correct.)

4. The teams have to solve all questions within 2 hours, and are allowed to use the internet. 

5. Every team that completes the treasure hunt will have to provide all answers and where that clue lead them to, before claiming the price.

6. Additional Clues will NOT be given under any circumstance.