
Treasure Hunt  March 2023 Answers

Q1 : I sting your eyes

And Odour cuts your nose like knives

Something to keep the dead alive

In a state they cannot be revived

A1: The object being talked about is Formalin.

Formalin is an alternative name for an aqueous solution of formaldehyde.

It is used to preserve animals, in state to be seen by others.

Location : This clue leads you to the Zoology Dept.

Q2 : There are three doors. Every time you open the first door, the second one closes, and the third one opens. If you open the second door, the first one opens and the third one closes. If you open the third door, the first door opens and the second door closes. If you want to open only the first two doors in the least attempts, which door do you open first ??

The question is Statistical Doors, Maybe the Answer lies in the doors of Statistics.

A2 : The correct answer to this riddle is: Second Door of the Statistics Department.

Location : Statistics Department

Q3 : Tic Tac,Tic Tac where are you

Maybe my next clue is inside you

Some planktons and some microbes too

Waiting to unravel your next clue

A3 : The mention of Planktons and microbes is to ensure the pond ecosystem

Location : Fountain in Quadrangle

Q4 : Not getting enough planktons??

Let me help you PLANCKtons are  “ ” 

You can get the energy in format of “E="_μ”

But unfortunately the stairs that lead you to them are hoarded by planks of wood

A4 : The stairs leading to sunlight i.e. the stairs leading to the roof

Location : Infront of Chemistry Department 1st floor

Q5 : I’ve been reading books of olds

the legends and the myths,

Space-time continuum unfolds 

Your clue in Molecular physics

A5 : Molecular and Atomic Physics theory room

Location : Near 1st floor BSc final Physics lab

Q6 : Mr. Boron, Mr. Oxygen, Mr. Tantalum, Mr. Nitrogen, and Mr. Yttrium all attended a conference, the placards read only the initials of these people. I wonder where the conference could have been ??

A6 : The Symbols of the Elements represented are B,O,Ta,N,Y,

Location : BOTANY Conference Room

Q7 : I fall and fall as I try to fly,

I am not undergone by the failures although

Maybe I should dream some high

Because I am the mightiest of them all

A7: Big Flightless birds on display

Location : Zoology Department

Q8 :I X her and she Y’s me

You can call me the uncrowned queen of literature to be

And she is just gibberish to me

The uncrowned queen of science is she

A8 : Here X is supplement and Y is Complement as shown in angles, And the uncrowned queen of Science is Mathematics

Location : Math Department 1st Floor

Q9 : Bruno Mars, Freddie Mercury and Venus Williams walk into a bar. They didn't planet that way. If Bruno is interested in reactions, Freddie is taking R-package, Williams is building transistors. Where would you find your next clue to call it home ??

A9 : Think of the planets Mars, Venus and Mercury so the only missing planet is Earth, If you see the rear side of chem. Department on 1st floor, you see that there are 4 departments in a row, Chemistry and Environmental science, then Electronics, and finally Statistics R package lab. Chem is Mars, Electronics is Venus, And Stats R lab is Mercury. Then Earth would be Environmental Science department.

Location : Envo Department 1st Floor

Q10 : My lies lie in the connections, my Truth in tables

You might need boolean to solve me

Logic might not be good enough

Second part of me is the open clue

Yet I am closed to date. Wandered by wheels that come and leave the same way, haven't passed me yet.

A10 : The answer talks about 2 parts, the first talks about Logic Gates, and the second part talks about the gate that hasn't been opened yet.

Location : Main Gate (new one, that’s always closed)

Q11 : The last clue is hindering the happening of all, where it started.

If you are thinking room no. 45 Nahhhhh!!!!

It’s not that easy,

The hunt doesn't start if you don’t register

It doesn't start if PEOPLE don't think

Even if it ends, where are the upcoming events ??

I guess you’ll find it all in one place somewhere

Maybe not a place, lost somewhere in the WEB

Not a SITE, Your final riddle is 

“I ain’t AND that you are looking for, I am not”

The question that you need to answer to Vedant is

Who is actually missing??

A11 : This question leads you to the site of ISSAC, Where the Peoples page asks the question showing 2 images- AND gate and NOT gate from electronics. The Correct Answer to the Question “Who is missing is :”

The person who is missing is Jerri Who and not Jerri Where