Japan Women in Security (J-WISE)

English follows Japanese

Japan Women in Security (J-WISE)のページへようこそ。


Japan Women in Security (J-WISE)とは?

J-WISEは、(ISC)2のJapan Chapterのワーキンググループの一つです。日本の情報セキュリティ分野における女性の活躍を推進することを目的に設立されました。







コラム・記事・おしらせはこちら (最新更新: 12/20/2021)




日時:2021年12月16日(木) 19:15 - 20:00






日時:2018年12月6日(木) 19:00 - 20:00

タイトル: 目指せCISSP!~女性CISSPホルダーのキャリアや勉強方法に迫る~

場所: 東京駅前JPタワー12階 セールスフォース・ドットコム社内

内容: CISSP取得によってキャリアがどう変わる?CISSP取得に向けてどう勉強する?など、これからCISSP取得を目指す方、CISSPに興味・関心をお持ちの方が気になるポイントについて、CISSPホルダーであるJ-WISEのコアメンバーが自身のキャリアや経験を共有します。職種やキャリアが異なるメンバーによるパネルディスカッション形式で進め、参加の皆様とのインタラクティブな議論を交えながら、皆様の疑問に答えていきます。登壇者は全員女性ですが、男性の方も参加いただけます。(ディスカッションは全て日本語です)


セキュリティコンサルタント 末吉亜樹子(株式会社NTTデータ)


セキュリティアナリスト 青羽真利(株式会社ラック)


日時:2018年9月6日(木) 16:00 - 17:00

タイトル: セキュリティ分野で活躍する女性リーダーとのインタラクティブ・セッション

場所: 東京駅前JPタワー12階 セールスフォース・ドットコム社内

内容:セールスフォース・ドットコム米国本社のセキュリティ・コンプライアンス部門Vice Presidentとして活躍中のローラ・サフカ氏(簡単な紹介はこちら)からご自身のキャリアや経験を共有していただき、今後のJ-WISEやセキュリティ分野の女性の活躍にどう生かすかなど、インタラクティブにディスカッションします。





Welcome to Japan Women in Security (J-WISE) page.

There are event announcements and other communications through this page.

What is Japan Women in Security (J-WISE)?

J-WISE is one of the working groups of (ISC)2 Japan Chapter. This working group was established to promote successes of women in security in Japan.

What is the frequency and what kinds of activities are conducted by J-WISE?

We will have activities such as seminars that are helpful for women's success in security every two to three months.

Who are the core members of J-WISE?

Core members are (last name alphabetical order):

Mari Aoba, Tomomi Ogushi, Maki Kataoka, Akiko Sueyoshi, Fumiko Noma, Shinobu Fujinami, Megumi Morioka

Articles and notifications are here

Upcoming Events

None at this point

Past Events

Date and Time: 12/6/2018 19:00 - 20:00

Title: Road to CISSP! - learn from female CISSP holders on their career and how they prepared for CISSP -

Venue: JP Tower 12F, Salesforce.com office

Description: Female CISSP holders with various career background will be our panelists to share their career experiences having CISSP during the panel discussion. The theme will be around how CISSP helps your career or how to prepare for the exam, anything that you may want to know in order to prepare for CISSP. We will welcome your thoughts and ideas during the session to make it interactive. Although all the panelists are female professionals, male participants are openly welcome. (All discussions will be in Japanese)


Akiko Sueyoshi, Security Consultant (NTT Data)

Since joining NTT Data, she has been involved in development of security producuts, policies and rules, risk assessment and system audit, security education etc. After giving the first child, she obtained CISSP in 2017.

Mari Aoba, Security Analyst (Lac)

After experiencing forensics in her previous job, she joined Lac. She has been alayzing logs as a security analyst at customers' for four years. She has written detection trend report and taught classes externally. She obtained SSCP in 2015, CISSP and RISS in 2017.

Date and Time: Thursday, 9/6 at 4PM - 5PM

Title: Interactive session with a successful female leader in Security

Venue: JP Tower 12F at salesforce.com (in front of Tokyo station)

Event detail: Ms. Laura Sawka, a VP of Security Compliace at salesforce.com in the US headquarters, (her brief bio is here) will share her success as a female leder in Security. We will learn from her own experiences and discuss how we get ideas to promote successes of women in Security in Japan.

Date and Time: Friday, 6/15 at 6PM

Title: J-WISE Networking Gathering

Venue: JP Tower 12F and move to a restaurant

Event detail: Discuss what types of activities to hold as J-WISE (ideas of themes for events, speaker sessions, and promotions of J-WISE)