Majors & Careers

ISB students in grade 10 have the opportunity to complete the Morrisby Profile,  helping students identify potential career interests. Students are welcome to discuss the results with their university counselors. Moreover, there are other career profilers that students can complete on MaiaLearning.

Additionally, please find below some helpful resources related to jobs and careers.

Finding a major

What can I do with a major in...?



English Literature

Health and Medicine

Exploring Careers

A-Z of Careers and Jobs - A detailed guide to a wide range of careers.

Careersbox - A range of videos where people describe their careers.

iCould - Videos of people talking about their career paths.

Not Going To Uni: Advice and resources on alternatives to higher education.

O*NET Online - search different occupations to learn more about different jobs

Prospects - Graduate careers information site, including career destinations by university degree.

Targetjobs - Information on a wide range of graduate careers.

UK National Careers Service - Information on careers, jobs, courses and funding.

Careers Online - Australian site for help about searching for jobs, getting a job, starting a business, or volunteering.

Career Matcher - a short quiz to suggest interesting and relevant careers from Study Australia

Job Skills

MyPerfectResume - create a resume or CV using a template


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Finding Your Element: How To Discover Your Talents and Passions and Transform Your Life

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