Academic Intervention Services 

What are Academic Intervention  Services?

“Academic Intervention Services (otherwise known as AIS) means additional instruction and/or student support services which supplement the instruction provided in the general curriculum, and which assist students in meeting the State Learning Standards.”

What are the intentions of AIS?

· To assist students who are at risk of not achieving the State Learning Standards in English Language Arts, Math, Social Studies and/or Science.

· AIS shall be available to students with disabilities on the same basis as non-disabled students as long as it is consistent with the student’s IEP.


General Criteria of AIS

· Student needs should be assessed by a trained staff member

· Specific Interventions should be provided beyond general instruction

· Student progress should be assessed regularly

· Records should be kept of the services provided


Identification Procedures

· Ongoing throughout the year- meetings are held with staff members to discuss the next steps necessary to help the student be successful.

· Based on Multiple measures of assessment including but not limited to: state assessments, district assessments, individual testing and /or teacher recommendations

· Progress is monitored throughout the intervention by the Response to Intervention team consisting of staff involved with that child’s schooling. Updates are frequent.

In what format is AIS provided?

· Small group instruction

· Individualized instruction

· Summer school

· Speech improvement

· AIS providers pushing into classroom

· Reading Recovery

· Leveled Literacy Intervention

What is the intensity and frequency of AIS?

How will I be notified if my child needs AIS?

· You will receive a letter stating what services are needed,  the frequency and the duration. You will also receive a letter if services are discontinued.

· A progress report is sent home at he end of each ten weeks to communicate progress.

· Opportunity to meet with AIS teacher at least once per semester.

 How is determined my child no longer needs AIS?