Instructional Math Coach

Grades 3-5

Amber Neddo

I have spent 32 years in the Indian River District teaching 4th grade. For the second year, I have the opportunity to serve as an instructional math coach for grades 3-5. I am still very excited about this new journey, the new learning and the challenges. One of the things I am most looking forward to is working together with staff and students to provide them with the resources that they need to be even more successful. Math has always been my passion, and I hope that my enthusiasm is contagious.

Intermediate Math Instruction at Indian River

IRCSD has adopted the New York State Mathematics Curriculum, EngageNY —also known as Eureka Math — which is a complete, PreK through 12 curriculum that carefully sequences the mathematical progressions into modules. Through many hours of curriculum work, teams of grade level teachers have examined and modified modules for grades 3, 4, and 5 to make improvements and to make learning more accessible for students.

As an instructional leader, I am charged with polishing the modules to include any curriculum changes, revising interim assessments, as well as examining data to identify strengths and weaknesses in our program. Our team of math coaches also has district resources that allow us to offer professional development to further assist with strategies and/or explore programs to help close gaps.

Our Indian River family inspires intellectual students. I am just one resource for teachers, students, and parents. Together we can make a difference! Please feel free to contact me at or (315)-642-0405.

Here are some helpful links that your child(ren) can use at home:

  • Zearn - supplemental online program to modules

  • IXL - offers math practice by grade level skills

  • iReady - designed to fill in gaps in understanding & students progress at their own pace

  • Prodigy - self-paced skill building or challenge others

  • Sumdog - skill building math games