Cognitive Alternatives

Students who cannot physically participate in any activity in a physical education class will be assigned to take part in the cognitive curriculum. This alternative must be assigned by the student's physical education teacher. There are limited circumstances where this alternative will be allowed. Instances where this may happen include:

  • A student comes to school with an ailment or injury and has not yet returned the District Medical Restrictions form from a medical professional.
  • The District Medical Restrictions form that is filled out by a medical professional suggest that there are no physical alternatives that the student can participate.

The cognitive alternative is meant for short term use. Again, we stress that students realize the importance of maintaining their personal health, even in times of injury and thoughtfully pursuing activities that will not prevent healing. The cognitive curriculum is a resource to allow students to continue to earn their grade and not have to be dropped from a class, but it does not fulfill the daily physical activity our bodies require. Teachers are required to constantly inquire with the nurses office in moving students to a physical alternative or back into full time physical education.

If you have been approved to utilize the cognitive alternative for your grade, please continue to the Cognitive Alternative Videos page here