About the LMC

About the Owen LMC

The Owen LMC utilizes a fixed schedule for grades K-2, and a flex schedule for grades 3-5. We have found that this type of scheduling allows us to best meet the needs of our patrons. During a visit, the children may listen to a story, have a lesson on some aspect of using the library, or conduct research. They may also check out books. Most of the students' work in the LMC is based on curricular activities planned by their teachers and the LMC Director. Children also visit the library alone, or in small groups, to read, check out our displays and activities, or work on class assignments.

Checkout Guidelines

Patrons of the Owen Library can check out books according to the following guidelines:

  • Books are checked out for a period of two weeks.

  • One renewal is allowed.

  • All students may have 3 books checked out a time.

  • Additional checkouts are allowed to meet the requirements of assignments.

  • If a patron has a material that is overdue, no further checkouts are allowed until the overdue material is returned.

  • Each year all students receive a book bag to help protect their books from damage while they are being transported to and from school. This bag should stay in the children's backpacks so it will be there when they need it.

Book Selection

Here in the LMC we work hard to help children learn to select books that are right for them. It is important to remember that our audience is pre-school through pre-teen and not every book is appropriate for every child. In addition, family standards vary widely. These two factors, varying ages and varying standards, sometimes make it a challenge to match books and children.

In the classrooms and in the library, teachers discuss book selection guidelines with the children. Children are taught that before checking books out, they should examine them to be sure the books are appropriate for their abilities and interests. When LMC staff members or volunteers see a child with a book that they feel is too difficult for the child, they discuss the selection with the child. If the child tells us that a parent will read the book to the child, then we will allow the checkout. It is important to remember, however, that children often check out books without LMC staff guidance. We may be working with other children, and we cannot continuously monitor book checkout. If the child has not followed the suggested guidelines, they may get something age-inappropriate.

Please remember that we take book selection very seriously. If we have a concern that a material may be inappropriate for a particular child, we will refuse the check out, or make a call to the parent. As stated earlier though, family standards vary widely, and it is impossible for us to look at every book that every child checks out. The best thing parents can do is set the standards for their own children. If a parent does not want a child to check out a particular type of book, then s/he should communicate that to the child. We believe that by working closely with parents, we can guide children to help them make appropriate choices.

LMC Rules

We don’t have many rules in the LMC. First and foremost is the obvious no food or drinks. This includes gum and candy. Most damage to books is caused by foods and liquids, usually drinks.

The next rule concerns behavior and is fairly simple. Use the library for what it has been designed for. Find a book. Share a book. Look at a display. Work on an assignment. Complete make-up work. Enjoy the "Creation Station" Students are encouraged to work together and to enjoy the relaxed, independent atmosphere.

Of course, some things are taken for granted. Students are expected to be courteous and respectful to others. We also expect students to respect the facility and the materials in the library. Students are also expected to follow all Indian Prairie guidelines regarding dress and other issues. These are covered in the IPSD Parent-Student Handbook. I am happy to report that we spend very little time managing student behavior the LMC. Owen Owls make wise decisions.

That’s it for the rules. Parents are asked to follow these rules when they are in the library and the rest of the school as well. By following the rules, parents show respect for their child’s school. That translates into valuing education in the eyes of the child.