Welcome to Team 6-2

Team 6-2 Teachers Contact Information

Support Teacher/Team Coordinator   Mrs. Christie Van Dyke x5736 christie_vandyke@ipsd.org

Science & Social Studies           Mr. Gene Van Dusen x5701 gene_vandusen@ipsd.org

ELA & Social Studies                   Ms. Barbara Barnett x5704 barbie_barnett@ipsd.org

ELA & Math                   Mrs. Laura Schmidt           x5720     laura_schmidt@ipsd.org

Team 6-2 HW Board for 2023-2024
StudentVue Grading CodesLa - LateABS - Absent (IMPACTS GRADE - must turn in)Z - Zero - Missing (IMPACTS GRADE)Inc - IncompleteZU - Zero - Unexcused Absence (IMPACTS GRADE)M - Missing (IMPACTS GRADE)R - RetakeTI - Turned in, not yet graded (no need to worry)X - Excused (does not impact grade)Blank - Teacher has not yet entered a grade (no need to worry)