Books for Teaching & Learning

Books Recommended for Educators by Educators

"Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results" - Unknown

The best educators are not content do the same thing year after year. Innovative educators are always looking for something better. They push their thinking and engage in social media connected to teaching and learning; they exploring educational blogs; they engage in teaching & learning conferences; and they explore the newest generation of educational books. This site is all about the incredible books my PLN writes, reads, and explores as we learn and grow as educators together. 

Featured Book

The A.I. Revolution is here and many schools are scrambling with how to respond. The truth is nobody knows exactly how machine learning will change teaching and learning. Moving forward, educators will need to be adaptable in the face of these changes. But more importantly, our students will need to navigate a world where to corporate ladder is now a maze. They'll need to develop deeply human skills in a world of smart machines.This book does not offer a blueprint with specific directions for how to use generative AI.

This site will connect teachers to recommended books in the categories below. We placed each recommended book in 1 category, but we realize that many of the books stretch across multiple categories. 

Looking for something more? Be sure to explore the Amazon Schools and Teaching Category