Artificial Intelligence

Exploring AI in Education 

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Ai in Educatation

"The A.I. Revolution is here and many schools are scrambling with how to respond. The truth is nobody knows exactly how machine learning will change teaching and learning. Moving forward, educators will need to be adaptable in the face of these changes."

"Artificial intelligence may change the world more than the iPhone, the internet, or even electricity. I t’s bound to change education. (It already has.) But how? The book also paints a picture of the future our students will face—and provides questions you can help them grapple with. We can use AI to empower teaching and learning. And it can start today."

"The key to successfully integrating any digital tool, Clark says, is to focus on the deep learning and masterful pedagogy teachers can achieve with educational shifts, like the one the world is currently experiencing. Yes, things will change, but AI does not replace the need for well-trained and highly qualified teachers in the classroom. In fact, students need educators’ guidance, now more than ever, to ensure they are prepared for the world of AI."

"Experienced educators Ben Forta and Monica Burns offer step-by-step guidance on how to incorporate this powerful tool into your classroom in ways that are meaningful and relevant. They present 40 fun and practical lesson plans suitable for a variety of ages and subjects as well as 15 graphic organizers to get you started. With the tips, suggestions, and encouragement in this book, you’ll find everything you need to inject creativity into your classroom using Adobe Spark."

The AI Classroom: The Ultimate Guide to Artificial Intelligence in Education by Dan Fitzpatrick, Amanda Fox, and Brad Wienstein

"Are you an educator looking to stay ahead in the ever-changing world of education? Look no further than The AI Classroom, the ultimate guide for navigating the complexities of AI in education. This thought-provoking book provides practical strategies for incorporating AI tools into your teaching practices, while exploring the potential of AI to transform traditional models of teaching and learning."