
Recommended Books Connected to Curiosity to Engage all Learners

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Keeping the Wonder: An Educator's Guide to Magical, Engaging, and Joyful Learning by Jenna Copper, Ashely Bible, Abigail Gross, and Staci Lamb 

"Do you feel like misplaced priorities are preventing a breakthrough at work? That your kids’ school has all the potential for greatness but keeps turning in flat results? That connecting deeply with others seems more difficult than ever? You’re not imagining it: Like many of us, you may feel like you’re running out of curiosity. Join Bryan Goodwin, a former business writer and high school teacher who now heads one of America’s leading education research and consulting firms, as he explores this uniquely human yet easily overlooked characteristic."

"Do you feel like misplaced priorities are preventing a breakthrough at work? That your kids’ school has all the potential for greatness but keeps turning in flat results? That connecting deeply with others seems more difficult than ever? You’re not imagining it: Like many of us, you may feel like you’re running out of curiosity. Join Bryan Goodwin, a former business writer and high school teacher who now heads one of America’s leading education research and consulting firms, as he explores this uniquely human yet easily overlooked characteristic."

"We'd all love schools to be havens of joyful learning, not bastions of box-checking and clock-punching. Take charge of the learning environment in your school by rekindling the power of curiosity in yourself and your colleagues! Where to start? Curiosity Works guides school leadership teams through a six-phase journey toward powerful improvement and innovation, and includes 17 practical tools to help your staff work together toward great outcomes."

"Everyone is born curious. So, what happens? Why do some people become less curious than others? For individuals, leaders, and companies to be successful, they must determine the things that hold curiosity hostage."

A More Beautiful Question by Warren Berger

"To get the best answer-in business, in life-you have to ask the best possible question. Innovation expert Warren Berger shows that ability is both an art and a science."

"We learn by engaging and exploring, asking questions and testing out answers. Yet our classrooms are not always places where such curiosity is encouraged and supported. Cultivating Curiosity in K–12 Classrooms describes how teachers can create a structured, student-centered environment that allows for openness and surprise, where inquiry guides authentic learning."

Curiosity by Abhishek Shetty

"Curiosity is a book that explores ideas, thinkers, and perspectives on why curiosity and passion for learning, matters in Education."

""Empower your learners, increase engagement, and accelerate achievement."