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Unpacking Feelings 

Lawrlwytho Adnoddau - Download Resources

Project Summary

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has been felt globally, affecting all walks of life in personal, social and commercial contexts. The Cultural and Creative Industries are not exempt, and nor have they escaped the significant negative impact. Theatres, cinemas, operas, art galleries, museums, community arts groups have been forced to close at short notice. Schools were shut to most students, some have fully re-opened in Wales, many across Europe have a mixed approach with some year groups in full time and others a mix of F2F/online learning. This situation has left many young people stressed/concerned about their current and future lives. Many students have missed school for friendship and support from school staff and are now worried about catching up on their education. This has impacted negatively on their emotional wellbeing. The Children’s Commissioner’s report Wales 2020 highlighted that only 39% of the 12-18 year-olds were confident to access counselling services in school. This project is unique as it aims to take creative arts experts and teaching professionals on a journey to create lessons/activities that use a range of creative arts media to engage learners to express their emotions/feelings. Many have these feelings pent up within themselves without an outlet for ‘unpacking’ their feelings, or someone to talk to or the language to express themselves.

The majority of students targeted are learning in a bilingual environment and to support their language acquisition skills we will create between teaching professionals, students and creative arts experts a LEXICON of EMOTIONAL WELLBEING, which will be one of the unique features of this project. This will be developed into a progression route strategy for 3-19 year-olds as part of each school’s Health & Wellbeing curriculum/policy.

Our expected results/impact include:

·      Students have the necessary vocabulary in their language of learning to express themselves confidently about their feelings, emotions and problems that have built up within themselves during the pandemic.

·      Students have gained confidence in a range of creative/cultural/expressive arts skills to communicate how they feel about the impact of Covid-19 on themselves, their families, and friends.

·      Teaching staff and related support staff (pastoral/counselling staff) develop the skill set to provide support and guidance to pupils to express themselves confidently in the native language used within school setting.

·      School staff are comfortable and confident in using a range of creative, cultural and expressive arts- based methods to develop their own repertoire of approaches to linguistic and emotional support.

·      Schools have mechanism/vocabulary and progression route for talking about feelings from foundation phase into transition years of secondary school and beyond.

·      Develop resilience strategy within the school and their local community for the current situation and future challenges

Our longer-term benefits are anticipated as follows:

·      Policy changes within schools to develop an emotional wellbeing progression route for talking about feelings from foundation phase into transition years of secondary school and beyond.

·      Higher profile on the importance of CREATIVE ARTS and EXPRESSIVE ARTS across the curriculum.

·      Better emotional wellbeing resilience for schools, their students and teaching staff.

·      Greater engagement between school communities and local creative arts community.

This project was funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ programme.


Wales + Cyprus + Malta + Spain


1 E10149177 International Links (Global) Ltd

2 E10109946 Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Lon Las

3 E10114125 Ygg Bryn Tawe

4 E10261047 Theatr na nog

5 E10172794 Gymnasium Panagias Theoskepastis 

6 E10139441 4th Primary School of Paphos- Kato Pervolia

7 E10112539 Organization for Promotion of European Issues


9 E10074684 Malta Film Foundation

10 E10145167 Consellería de Educación, Cultura y Deporte 

11 E10203925 IES F. Ribalta

12 E10055863 Mikiel Anton Vassalli College


4 Intellectual Outputs  

O1 - Research and Impact Evaluation Framework

O2 - Unpacking Feelings - Blended Learning Resources for Teaching Professionals

O3 - Unpacking Feelings - Resources and Guidance for Creative Arts and Emotional Wellbeing

O4 – Progression Route and Bilingual Lexicon/Vocabulary to Develop Emotional Wellbeing for students age 3-19