Cysylltiadau Rhyngwladol Byd-eang
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Hyrwyddo Cyfleoedd A Phrofiadau Rhyngwladol Mewn Ysgolion Yng Nghymru / Promoting International Opportunities & Experiences For Schools In Wales
Time Travel: The World We Want in 2121
Lawrlwytho Adnoddau - Download Resources
Our planet is shared by over seven billion people. While a small number of people use the majority of global resources and enjoy unfettered access to public services, too many people face extraordinary challenges in building dignified lives, free of poverty, powerlessness and fear. These inequalities result in unacceptable human deprivation. Our fragile planet is also under increasing environmental stress to the extent that we are transgressing planetary boundaries. According to the Future Generations (Wales) Report 2020, ‘never has the need to think and plan for the future been so relevant’. Thinking and planning long-term is something humans are capable of, but it requires certain ways of thinking and skills – these skills will be critical for our young people as they add their voices to questions such as: How we balance the needs of current and future generations? How we foster empathy for people that have yet to be born? How we balance resource use and our impact on nature to avoid dumping multiple problems on our children and the generations to come? How we become ‘good ancestors’?
The aim of this project is to capture the imagination and creativity of pupils and teachers taking them on a journey through time into the deep past to explore their place in history, then to imagine 100 years into the future. The project has 3 parts all of which stimulate the development of creative skills and develop active citizenship:
1. to take an expedition into the deep past to explore our place in history and share experiences through creative responses
2. to imagine and share visions of the future we want to see in 100 years’ time through storytelling, letters and visual techniques
3. to identify and start to take collective action in your class, school and wider community to build towards that positive future
It will achieve this through teacher training ahead of each project exchange and pupil exchanges to share and create visions together.
Throughout the project, we will develop and pilot intellectual outputs so these kinds of activities can be used by other teachers and in the wider youth sector, that also make the best use of the blended learning techniques honed during COVID. These include baseline data produced in a way to engage learners, school communities and policymakers, online teacher training module in the project techniques and activities, recorded webinar and workbook in some of the creative techniques and an exemplar gallery to stimulate ideas.
This project was funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ programme.
Wales + Greece + Spain +Sweden
1 E10149177 International Links (Global) Ltd
2 E10261049 Sustrans
3 E10027567 Welsh Centre for International Affairs
4 E10261279 Greenfield School United Kingdom
5 E10206974 Diefthinsi Defterovathmias Ekpaidefsis Viotias
6 E10135740 9th Primary School of Levadia
7 E10261085 Union of the Art of Wellness and Happiness
8 E10261110 Aliartos Secondary School
9 E10196102 Región de Murcia
10 E10237567 Colegio Público San Antonio
11 E10129752 IES Eduardo Linares Lumeras
12 E10087665 Jändelskolan
13 Jenner Park Primary School
4 IOs
IO 1 - Baseline report and briefing paper
IO2 - Teacher training materials
IO3 - Interactive Online Teacher Training module
IO4 – Digital exemplar gallery
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