Cysylltiadau Rhyngwladol Byd-eang
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Hyrwyddo Cyfleoedd A Phrofiadau Rhyngwladol Mewn Ysgolion Yng Nghymru / Promoting International Opportunities & Experiences For Schools In Wales
Becoming a Peace School
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Project Summary
Since 2000 the EU has been reporting on the growing problem of school conflict and violence. At that time, efforts to tackle this were new and innovative. However, now it is crucial because despite attempts to stem the flow, conflict, sometimes violent conflict, is becoming more commonplace in schools. It is recognised that schools need to develop multi-sectoral strategies for dealing with the problem, which include consideration of children’s rights and open discussion. This project aims to meet these needs whilst putting young people at the heart of plans and negotiations.
Peace Education is a key element of delivering peaceful schools and the Sustainable Development Goals more broadly (with particular relevance to SDG 4.7 and SDG 16). Across Europe and the wider world, there are concerns about a divided society and increases in populism which threaten liberal values. The quality of public debate and discussion is often polarised. In school contexts, violence remains at stubbornly high levels; considering these factors, high quality and contextualised Peace Education initiatives that young people, teachers and the wider school community can identify with can build empathy, cooperation and mutual respect across school communities and beyond. Moreover, such schemes also develop life and employability skills.
Through teaching and training events, multiplier events and the creation of 4 intellectual outputs, this project will improve and embed whole-school peace education schemes in the partner regions (, enhancing them through international exchange (at the pupil, school and partner levels); embedding relevant and contextual peace histories; linking peace to other global issues and improving existing schemes and others by establishing the elements that create a successful scheme through a robust collection of evidence and review of impact. This ultimately will contribute to more globally responsible citizens, peaceful schools and societies. The resources created through this project will create a lasting legacy so future teachers and schools can embed the approaches, and the evidence gathered can be used to continue to make the case for peace education as a valuable part of learning, and towards creating a more peaceful and sustainable world.
Expected impacts are school leaders who are able to embed effective peace education in their schools.
Teachers who are confident and skilled to deliver and measure pupil-led peace schemes. Learners who have empathy, respect and develop cooperation and critical thinking skills; they are empowered to create more peaceful schools and communities. And schools and communities that are more peaceful and cooperative.
This project was funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ programme.
Wales + Turkey + Slovenia + Romania
2 E10027567 Welsh Centre for International Affairs United Kingdom
3 E10174783 Konya Türk Telekom Sosyal Bilimler Lisesi Turkey
4 E10070546 SMART IDEA Igor Razbornik s.p. Slovenia
7 E10014601 Nant Y Parc Primary United Kingdom
8 E10251134 Cyfarthfa High School United Kingdom
9 International Links Global
4 IOs
O 1 - Policy and research paper
O2 –Toolkit
O3 - Teacher Training and Handbook
O4 –Evaluation
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