Activities and dynamics


Sometimes we need an image to associate the concept with it. Flashcards help students to study and memorise new vocabulary, especiallly when it's new or in a foreign language.

Running dictation

This is a classic pair work where one student is the runner and the other is the writer. The runner reads the sentence posted in the classroom walls and runs back to the writer and dictate the message. This is a really fun and loud activity that students will enjoy!


Choose a situation card. Read it aloud . Everybody in the group must write a suitable phrase for the situation. Compare your phrases and make corrections / suggestions.

Two lies

Two lies is a technique you can use to facilitate communication between your students. It consists of search three sentences, one is true and two are false. After that, each student walk around the class and tell it to its classmates. The classmates have to decide which one is true.

Dictogloss guidelines

Dictogloss is a type of supported dictation that integrates the four skills of language learning. It can be used in a subject learning context, at all levels from 8 to 18 and is a very effective language learning tool as it requires learner to listen, talk, collaborate, take notes, redraft and present orally.



Site in which you can work about a song in English and fill the gaps of missing words. There are different levels of difficulty.