Erasmus project

Erasmus is a project which aims to promote the achievement and interest of students in science and technology. In this project participate 5 schools from different countries: Portugal, Poland, Romania, Serbia, and Spain. On this website, there is all the information about it and all the activities related to the Erasmus project.


Next November, from the 20th to the 26th, a group of 10 students from 4th ESO are going on the last mobility of our Erasmus TEAMS project.

Our mobility will take place in Pui, Romania. We are going to work on Steam activities in the Scoala Gimnaziala.

In Romania, students from Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Romania, and Spain will share experiences.

Mobility to Poland

Last June students from Spain, Serbia, Portugal, and Romania went to Poland to join the third mobility of the project

(in the picture above you can see the Spanish team)

Robotics in Poland

In that mobility, students learned how to work (program and build) some differents robots and they played already they learned.

(in the picture above you can see one of the Teams)


If you click the link, you can go to the mobility of Spain:

Mobility Spain

Periodic table project

Students have worked on a second activity designed for the TEAMS project. Using the tinkering methodology students have learned about the periodic table.

Read the article to know more ...

Article about tinkering

We HAVE started:

The new students of "Institut el Vern" participating in TEAMS Erasmus project have started to work on the dissemination, organization, and development of the course activities.


Pupils from Spain have made a video presentation. You can see all their videos at the following link:

Presentation 3r A

Presentations 3rB

Presentations 3rC

Click on the different icons of each classroom and you will see the corresponding video presentation


Today is the #Womanscienceday. Our Erasmus project, TEAMS, is trying to promote science studies in our girls' students.

Today is a celebrating day!!!!


An Erasmus project with 5 intermediate schools from: Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia and Spain

TEAMS is an Erasmus project subsidized with European Union funds. The project aims to promote the achievement and interest of students in science and technology. All the centers involved also have an important technological endowment destined to base the teaching activity on the use of technology and diverse applications with the aim that teachers and students advance in the own digital competence of the it was current, even more so in a situation of possible confinements that force to online classes or e-learning.

Our website will show you all the activities we are doing, we will show you the activities as we carry them out and we will also inform you in relation to the planned trips in which the students will carry out exchanges.

The activities are always based at the STEAM methodology or ICT (new technology activities). We also work new educational methodologies like PBL (projecte based learning), Flipped Classroom, gamification and E-learning.