Year 2 

Curriculum Newsletter

Collaboration matters   Excellence in everything   Community first   Equity for everyone   Continuous growth

Autumn One: Peace & Conflict - Izzy Gizmo / The Three Billy Goats' Stuff

During our learning of Peace & Conflict, we will specifically focus on problem solving.


In English this half term, we will be exploring the theme of Fairy Tales and looking at different types of stories. Firstly we explore 'The Three Billy Goats Stuff' and then link this to our core text 'Izzy Gizmo'. We will be focusing on sequencing the story, emotive language, describing words to create a narrative. They will understand the features of a narrative. They will begin to write their own retelling of fairy tales. 

Geography and History

In geography this half term, we will be exploring the seven continents and oceans of the world. We will then be moving onto history in our second half term. They will make simple comparisons between different features of localities. They will also use simple compasses to describe locations.


In maths this half term, we will be looking at place value focusing on understanding how to use a Place Value chart, recognise tens and ones and count numbers up to 100. We will be using concrete materials as well as abstract ideas to explore different ways we can look at tens and ones in a number. We will then move onto partitioning numbers up to 100.


In science, we are looking at material properties. We are then moving onto the suitability of different materials. We then will move onto planning an investigation, and carry out and evaluate an investigation.

Art / DT

In art this half term we are looking at moulding, shaping and bonding materials to make a 3D object. Children will have the opportunity to explore different materials and use the skills learnt to creat a final art piece.


In phonics, we will be using the Little Wandle scheme. We will be looking at Phase 5. Children will develop their strategies of blending for reading and segmenting for writing their spellings. They will also develop their comprehension skills.

Reading and Spellings

In reading this half term, we will be  moving onto phase 6 books to embed fluency and accurate spelling of a range of words. In Spelling, we are focusing on the spelling rules and following progression of Year 1 and 2 common exception words.


In RE this half term, we are looking at Judaism and religious stories. They will be looking at special book for Jewish people and how is the special book treated in the Synagogue. They will understand the significance of religious customs. 


In RSHE, we are looking at different feelings and emotions. We are also exploring how all families are different and how we can manage friendships. We are then looking at manners and courtesy, and discussing change and gender stereotypes.


This half term in Year 2 we will have two PE sessions per week. The first being gymnastics, where children will have the opportunity to explore balances, using apparatus and sequencing routines. The second session is an outdoor based lesson where we will focus on developing an awareness of footwork and hand eye coordination. 

Autumn Two: Peace & Conflict - Drawn Together / The Dark

During our learning of Peace & Conflict, we will specifically focus on problem solving.


In English this half term, we will be exploring the theme of communication through exploring how a grandpa and little boy communicate in 'Drawn together'. We will be focusing on sequencing the story,describing the character of the dragon. We will then move on to poetry, writing a setting description based on the book, 'The Dark'. They will understand the features of a poem, using their senses and emotions to describe what it feels to be within darkness.

Geography and History

In history this half term, we will be comparing and contrasting time differences between past and present. We will be looking at the Wright Brothers and Amy Johnson with her famous flight, thinking about how this changed the views and outlook of life.


In maths this half term, we will be looking at addition and subtraction applying our learnt place value knowledge of tens and ones to help us add and subtract within 10 and across the next 10. We will be using concrete materials as well as abstract ideas to explore different methods of addition and subtraction, before moving on to solve missing number equations and worded problems.


In science, we will be continuing deepening our knowledge on materials thinking about how they are suitable to make different items. We will be linking our science learning with our history and DT to explore a range of materials we can use to make a 3D model of an aeroplane. 

Art / DT

In DT this half term we will be exploring and investigating a range of materials and how they shape together to make a 3D vehicle. Children will have the opportunity to explore different materials and use the skills learnt to create a 3D aeroplane.


In phonics, we will be using the Little Wandle scheme. We will be looking at Phase 5. Children will develop their strategies of blending for reading and segmenting for writing their spellings. They will also develop their comprehension skills.

Reading and Spellings

In reading this half term, we will be continuing with our phase 6 books to embed fluency and accurate spelling of a range of words. We will also be exploring and deepening our understanding of the different reading strategies such as, prediction, inference, making connections, summarising etc. In Spelling, we are focusing on the spelling rules and following progression of Year 1 and 2 common exception words.


In RE this half term, we will finish looking at a Jewish festival, 'Hanukkah' before focusing on Christianity and its celebrations. We will explore the Bible and what Jesus teaches Christianity before looking at the range of Christmas festivities and how they are celebrated around the world. 


In RSHE, we are looking at different feelings and emotions, thinking about the different methods we can take to regulate these emotions. We will explore the importance of taking time to breathe and exercise, thinking about the benefits that come from both before looking at ways we can keep our bodies healthy.


This half term in Year 2 we will have two PE sessions per week. The first being an indoor session, where the children will develop and apply their jumping, landing and seated balance through team games.The second session is an outdoor based lesson building on the skills needed to play a game of tennis.

Spring One: Human Rights - Hermelin / The Day the Crayons Quit

We will be focusing on Human Rights in spring term. We wil focus on the rights of children and animals.


This term, Year 2 will be focusing in on 2 different books, first 'The Day the Crayons quit' looking at how the crayons were treated and different forms of communication. They will be using this book to write a persuasive letter to convince Mr Atwal to buy us a classroom pet. We will then look at the book 'Hermelin', a detective mouse who finds the people of Offley Streets lost items. The children will be using this book to create a newspaper article based on an event that happens during the school day. 

Geography and History

In geography this term, Year 2 will be looking at the United Kingdom and what 4 countries make up the UK. They will then delve deeper into each of the 4 countries discussing what is similar between each country but also their differences. They will be looking at both the human and physical features found in the UK, thinking about their historic landmarks, mountains and capital cities. We will then be choosing a landmark to create an artwork inspired by our artist for this term, Sally Morgan.


In Maths, Year 2 will be applying their knowledge of addition and subtraction to solve money problems. They will begin exploring the values of different coins and notes, having a go at making different amounts. Year 2 will be using this and combining this knowledge with addition and subtraction to work out how to find change and solve 2 step worded problems. In week 4 and 5, Year 2 will be learning what an 'array' is and how they can help us solve multiplication questions we are not sure of the answers. Following this, we will then be learning the different methods of division, sharing and grouping. They will begin to understand the mathematical vocaulary used in each topic.


In science this term, our topic is how we stay healthy; exercising, eating and our hygiene. We will begin imagining we are going to a desert island, reflecting on what we might need in order to survive. We will discuss the difference between what we need and what we want. We will then investigate what physical and emotional changes happen during different exercise activities. Year 2 will explore the food pyramid and have a go at categorising different food into each food group.

Art / DT

Over the course of Spring 1, we will be focusing on the artist Sally Morgan. We will begin with exploring her artwork, discussing what we can see in regards to the different colours and shapes. We will then focus on colours and investigate different colours that can be made by mixing two or more colours together, we will also find the different tones of colours. The children will be gaining the skills they need to create an artwork inspired by Sally Morgan combining our cross curricular with geography. 


In phonics, we will be using the Little Wandle scheme. We will be looking at reviewing all the phonics phases to overcome any gaps. Children will develop their strategies of blending for reading and segmenting for writing their spellings. They will also develop their comprehension skills.

Reading and Spellings

In reading this term, Year 2 will be continuing to follow the Little Wandle reading scheme. On Monday they will be introduced to a new book, which they will discuss with their teacher and answer a 'Selfie' which would be based on the reading strategy 'prediction' using the conjunction 'because' to support their answers. Tuesday-Thursday, the children will either be reading with their class teachers or completing independent phonics activities. On Friday, the class will complete a mini comprehension based on that week's book, to help deepen their knowledge and understanding of the book.

In Spring term, Year 2 will be continuing to follow the Little Wandle bridge to spelling scheme.


This term in RE, we will be looking at the religion of Islam. We will discuss the importance of their God, Allah but also how they show respect and the importance of Allah, thinking about what they learn from him. They will also explore the Prophet, Muhammad (pbuh), how he shapes their way of living, the importance of prayer in and out of the mosque and also any importance festivals they may celebrate.


This term in RSHE, Year 2 will take a look at how adults can make them feel safe in certain situations. We will then think about how we respond in different situations, we will discuss the difference between acceptable and unacceptable behaviours reacting to different scenarios. We will then think about the risks and hazards in every day life and what we can do to keep safe. 


During our PE lessons, Year 2 will be continuing to work on our team building skills and realising that through working through collaboration the children can gain more. With our indoor PE lessons, we will be continuing with our balancing skills, focusing on our footwork. We will be practising a range of different activities on how to dodge but keeping the balance on two feet. Whereas in our outdoor PE lessons, we will be using resources to travel around an obstacle course whilst having to keep a hold of a peers hands. They will need to travel through different levels of height.

Spring Two: Human Rights - The Story of Frog Belly Rat Bone

We will be focusing on Human Rights in spring term. We wil focus on the rights of children and animals.


In English this term, our core text is called 'Frog Belly Rat Bone' which is about a little boy who lives in a dull, gloomy place. One day he found treasure, which he buries, but the treasure gets stolen. He uses the junk found in 'Cementland' to build a treasure protector. Using this story, the children have used lots of descriptive vocabulary including; adjectives, verbs, adverbs, noun phrases, prepositions to describe what they can see, hear, feel, smell and touch. They will be writing their own narrative inspired by the core text, with their own adventure of finding treasure and needing to build and create their own monster to protect it. 

Geography and History

In history this term, Year 2 have been focusing on the global theme of social injustice and human rights. We will be exploring the Victorian era, looking at the historical figure, Dr Barnardo and how he changed the life of children. They will find comparisons between past and present within schooling, clothes, toys and houses.


In maths, this term we will begin looking at fractions, using our division knowledge to help us solve fractions of a number. Then we will be recognising different fractions of a shape using the mathematical vocabulary denominator and numerator to understand what the different parts of a fraction mean. We will use this knowledge to help us find equivalent fractions. 


In science this term, Year 2 will be continuing to look at the topic of 'living things' applying our learnt knowledge to what an animal needs to survive and how they are suitable for each habitat. Year 2 will also explore different animals lifecycles, thinking about whether the animal gives birth to its young or lays an egg. 

Art / DT

In phonics, we will be using the Little Wandle scheme. We will be looking at reviewing all the phonics phases to overcome any gaps. Children will develop their strategies of blending for reading and segmenting for writing their spellings. They will also develop their comprehension skills.

Reading and Spellings

In reading this term, Year 2 will be continuing to follow the Little Wandle reading scheme. On Monday they will be introduced to a new book, which they will discuss with their teacher and answer a 'Selfie' which would be based on the reading strategy 'inference' using the conjunction 'because' to support their answers. Tuesday-Thursday, the children will either be reading with their class teachers or completing independent phonics activities. On Friday, the class will complete a mini comprehension based on that week's book, to help deepen their knowledge and understanding of the book.


In RE this term, we will be finalise our learning on Islam before moving on to Christianity, looking at the parable 'The Lost Son' and what it teaches us about the importance of love and forgiveness. After, we will begin to look and learn the Easter story, with the symbolic representations. 


Summer One: Social Justice & Equity - Coming to England

During our Social Justice & Equity learning, we will focus on migration and fairness. 


In English this term, we will be exploring the book 'Coming to England' which is based on a little girl, Floella, who leaves her carribbean home behind as she migrates to England where her dad has found a job and money for them to live. Inspired by the story we willl explore the different emotions Floella may have felt at different stages of her journey, building to write a diary entry as Floella. 

Geography and History

In geography, we will be comparing and contrasting the geological features of England to Trinidad and Tobago. We will locate both countries on a map, discover the equator and how it affects the type of weather in each country before identifying the physical features found in Trindad and Tobago.


In science this term, Year 2 will be focusing on 'plants', starting with exploring different seeds and bulbs using a magnifying glass. We will then move on to look at what a plant needs in order to survive. The children will set up and observe the processs of germination from their classrooms, measuring the amount of growth over the course of the term.

Art / DT

In DT, Year 2 will be designing and building their own bird feeders. They will use their knowledge of materials to experiment which would be best to use and why before using their moldiing and sewing skills to create their own bird feeders.


In phonics, we will be using the Little Wandle scheme. We will be looking at reviewing all the phonics phases to overcome any gaps. Children will develop their strategies of blending for reading and segmenting for writing their spellings. They will also develop their comprehension skills.

Reading and Spellings

In reading this term, Year 2 will be continuing to follow the Little Wandle reading scheme. On Monday they will be introduced to a new book, which they will discuss with their teacher and answer a 'Selfie' which would be based on the reading strategy 'evaluation' where they will be continuing using the conjunction 'because' to support their answers. Tuesday-Thursday, the children will either be reading with their class teachers or completing independent phonics activities. On Friday, the class will complete a mini comprehension based on that week's book, to help deepen their knowledge and understanding of the book.


Over the course of Summer 1, in RE, Year 2 will be continuing with Christianity, exploring how different festivals and celebrations are celebrated, comparing how it is celebrated at home to in a church. They will have a chance to interview Father Sam, who is a local priest, willing to come in and answer their questions, deepening their knowledge and understanding of this topic.


In RSHE, Year 2 will be focusing on how to stay safe online. We will begin recapping their e-safety rules, discussing what we should do if we see something we do not like. They will then be given some scenarios that they will work collaboartively to solve and work out what person 'x' should do. We will also be looking at how we can keep our money safe and the importance of savings. 


Summer Two: Social Justice & Equity - Gnomeo & Juliet

During our Social Justice & Equity learning, we will focus on migration and fairness. 


In English this half term, we will be planning and writing our very own adventure story inspired by the film, 'Gnomeo and Juliet'. We will begin with watching the film, noting down the main plot points, describing the setting in the first scene before going on to create our own character and choose its own adventure to go on.

Geography and History

In geography, we will be  continuing comparing and contrasting the geological features of England to Trinidad and Tobago. We will identify the physical and human features found in Trindad and Tobago, discussing the climate each country gets depending on their seasons. 


In maths this term, we will be continuing with our clock reading skills, using our 5 times tables to help us work out what time the clock is showing. We will then answer worded problems surrounding time to deepen our knowledge. After this topic is completed we will then move on to our next topic, 'position and direction', learning new vocabulary such as 'anticlockwise' 'quarter turn' and a way to remember our left and rights.


In science this term, Year 2 will be going back to look at the topic of 'living things' applying our learnt knowledge to what an animal needs to survive and how they are suitable for each habitat. Year 2 will also explore what a food chain is and create their own examples but also discussing if a habitat changed how would an animal adapt to still survive. 

Art / DT

At the beginning of this term, we will have DT Food week, which Year 2 will try, explore and create their own caribbean dish (Johnny cakes). They will begin researching caribbean treats, trying some delicious dishes before focusing on a Johnny cake and what method is used to create. By the end of the week, Year 2 would have made their own Johnny cakes to take home and share with their families.

In Art this term, we will be exploring the work of Eric Carles, exploring his use of colour, shapes and marks to create a wonderful collage of the sea. They will look at layering different shades of colour to a beautiful effect, using a range of mediums, i.e. paint, pastel, pencils. 


In phonics, we will be using the Little Wandle scheme. We will be looking at reviewing all the phonics phases to overcome any gaps. Children will develop their strategies of blending for reading and segmenting for writing their spellings. They will also develop their comprehension skills.

Reading and Spellings

In reading this term, Year 2 will be continuing to follow the Little Wandle reading fluency scheme. On Monday they will be introduced to a new book, which they will discuss with their teacher and answer a 'Selfie' which would be based on the mixed reading skills to help deepen their understanding. Tuesday-Thursday, the children will either be reading with their class teachers or independently with a book suited to their reading abilities. On Friday, the class will complete a mini comprehension based on an unseen text, to help develop their comprehension skills further.


In RE this term, we will be looking at all things special, discussing what 'special' means, but also choosing what is special to us, our friends and our families. We will then apply this to thinking about all the religions we have learnt about in Year 2, recapping what is special to each of the religions and how we show respect to their religion and others. 


In RSHE this term, we are continuing to explore different ways to stay safe. We will begin to look at the importance of medicines but how can we keep safe using medicine. We will then look at how our bodies change the older we get, recapping the NSPCC PANTs rules. Finally we will end the term discussing what we have enjoyed most about Year 2 and how we are feeling about Year 3.