
Curriculum Newsletter

Collaboration matters   Excellence in everything   Community first   Equity for everyone   Continuous growth

Autumn One: Human Rights - Traditional Fairy Tales

 This half term, our topic is Human Rights

We will be learning about how we can help each other and what are right and wrong choices.


Our literacy learning journey begins with immersing the  children in storytelling and looking at different fairy tales. During this time, they are introduced to story language, such as ‘Once upon a time, next, then, suddenly and finally’. They have opportunities to retell stories using story maps and Talk 4 Writing actions. They use these skills to perform stories to their friends which supports them with their language development and encourages them to speak in front of an audience. The focus for writing will be on mark-making and writing their names.

Communication and Language 

During this first term in our new Reception classes, we use language to talk about ourselves and find out about our friends and our new environment. We are reminded and supported to use 'social phrases' like, 'May, I  have a turn, please and thank you'. We listen to a lot of stories, learn a lot of new vocabulary and then apply this knowledge to our learning. 


The maths learning journey involves sharing our knowledge, talking about and developing our understanding of numbers. We recognise and practice writing numerals from 1 to 5 and beyond.  We develop our understanding of numbers and amounts, recognising that we count each object, give each object a name and value as we count and that the total is the amount of all the objects counted. We also practice writing  numerals.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

At the beginning of the academic year, we take time to support the children settling into a new environment and how they engage with and make relationships with so many new people.  This includes making class rules collaboratively, recognising and talking about what are right and wrong choices and rewarding positive behaviour.

Expressive Arts and Design

We explore a range of media and materials in this first half term including; play dough, sand, water, paint and model making with materials, like Lego and blocks.  Using what we call, 'manipulative material' develops children's creativity but enables them to develop fine motor skills which begins their journey to become effective writers. Skills like, manipulating paper by scrunching, tearing, folding and rolling, using play dough to pull, pinch and shape, cutting tape and card help to support children's fine motor skills. This term we will be drawing and painting portraits of ourselves, our families and friends. We have an outdoor stage area where children can play musical instruments and sing song.

Physical Development

Physical development for the children falls into two categories; gross motor skills and fine motor skills. Gross motor skill development, encourages children to control their body movements in a variety of ways like; walking, hopping, running, stopping, balancing and dancing.  Fine motor skills involves the children in; drawing, mark-making, painting, cutting and creative arts, craft and model making.


We use a phonic programme called 'Little Wandle' to develop children's phonics writing and reading skills. Please click on the link to find out more information. Our phonics teaching takes place daily and involves the children to hear and recognise graphemes (letter name) and phonemes (letter sounds) to develop their skills. 

General Information

Our curriculum includes developing the children's 'Understanding of the World. There will be opportunities to talk about themselves, their families, friends and experiences. We can recognise, appreciate and celebrate our similarities and differences. Exploring the new environment, representing and re-creating what they see and have experienced is an important part of this learning and can be developed in our small world and outdoor areas.

Autumn Two: Human Rights - Here We Are / Look Up!

This half term the topics are; human rights, empathy, sense of identity and self-esteem.

We will be learning about community heroes and exploring what is fair and unfair.


This term we will be reading the books; 'Here we Are' which focuses on our world, space, planets, environments, animals and people. We will also enjoy 'Look up!' which features a character who has ambitions to go into space. Children will begin to record simple labels and captions using dominant sounds they can recognise in their writing.

Communication and Language 

Within our literacy themes, the children will be learning lots of new vocabulary, to name and describe environments from the stories they will be listening to, for example, 'space, planets, mountain, lake, volcano, swamp, enormous and flat'. We will support the children to share their  knowledge, views, opinions and experiences, taking turns to talk and then listen actively to each other.


Mathematical concepts this term will develop children's understanding of how to represent, subitise and compose numbers. We will also explore more and less of a given number. Later in the term we will look at shapes with 1, 3 and 4 sides and finish with capacity, balance, maths and comparison.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

We continue to develop our appreciation of good relationships this term, learning how to play cooperatively and take turns with each other. Children will start to engage in more focused learning ,where they will need to give focused attention to what the teacher says to respond appropriately. They will need to show an ability to follow instructions involving several ideas or actions.

Expressive Arts and Design

Children will be engaged in lots of art and craft making this term, as we get set to celebrate the season.  We continue to 'junk model' using recycled material to make rockets, fireworks and telescopes. We will make detailed observational drawings of animals and explore colour mixing.

Physical Development
Linked to Expressive Art and Design, children will have lots of opportunity to create, cut, stick, draw, glue and paint during this term. These activities will help to develop the children's skill and dexterity for their written work. Dance and movement, linked to celebration, will develop children's gross motors skills moving with balance, co-ordination and rhythm. 

We will complete Phase 2  phonics this term, looking at the sounds, 'ff, ll, ss, j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, sh, th, ng and nk'.

General Information

This half term we will celebrate each other and everyday heroes within our community, like nurses, doctors, teachers, parents. We will also celebrate our cultures and beliefs, understanding that some of us celebrate at certain times of the year in different ways and for different reasons.

Spring One: Sustainable Development - Where's the Elephant? / Why Do We Need Bees?

                     We will be learning about how to take care of the environment and knowing what effects deforestation has on living things 


This term our core text is called 'Where's the Elephant? written by Barroux. It is a wordless story-telling book that children will use to tell the story about three animals using 'Talk for Writing' actions. Children will begin to use the actions to support their story making in small groups. The core text will also make the children aware of how to take care of the environment and the living things. Children will look at habitats and what happens if there is deforestation. The pictures in the text will encourage children to share their opinions about where they find the elephant and why it was easy to spot. Children will be introduced to rich vocabulary related to the environment. 

Communication and Language 

In communication and language , the children will be learning and using lots of new vocabulary, learning to listen attentively and respond to relevant questions using full well structured sentences. Children will be given opportunities  to share their ideas about their learning linked to animals and how the animals feel. Children will also be able to link their conversations to everyday life.


In maths this half term, children will explore their knowledge and understanding of weigh, capacity, finding doubles and comparing length and height. These will be explode through practical activities both indoors and outdoors. Children will be learning the mathematical vocabulary that they can use in and outside the school perimeters. They will continue to use their number skills through songs, actions and mark making on whiteboards and pens. Children will also use their number knowledge in their play.  

Physical, Social and Emotional Development

We continue to build good and positive relationships this term, learning how to work collaboratively and listening to each other sharing our opinions. Children will start to engage in more focused learning ,where they will need to give focused attention to what the teacher and their peers are saying  and  respond appropriately. They will need to show an ability to follow instructions involving several ideas or actions. Children will be confident to try new activities and think positively about others, 

Expressive Arts and Design

In Expressive Art and Design, children will be using bright coloured paint to create animal pictures through painting. They will also use their creative skills to sketch and draw the animals from the core text. Children will do observational drawing following given instructions. Children will have an opportunity to express themselves through story making and designing setting where their stories take place using fabric, bricks, sand and sticks. 

Physical Development 
Linked to Expressive Art and Design, children will have lots of opportunities to create, draw, and paint during this term. These activities will help to develop the children's skill and dexterity for their written work. Dance and movement, linked to story making, will develop children's gross motors skills moving with balance, co-ordination and rhythm. Children will have opportunities to access fine motor skills activities such as 'funky fingers, using tweezers and drawing on large paper with chalk and pencils. 

Using Little Wandle Letters and Sounds, Reception children will complete Phase 3 looking at these sounds; ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air and doubles bb,rr, gg, dd, pp, tt and ff

General Information

Children will be bring home their phonics reading books and reading record books. Please hand in the reading record books together with the phonics book every Thursdays.

Spring Two: Sustainable Development - Michael Recycle / Litterbug Doug

We will be investigating how we can recycle to help protect the planet and reduce our litter.

Communication and Language 
Physical, Social and Emotional Development
Expressive Arts and Design
Physical Development 
General Information

Summer One: Identity & Diversity - It's OK To Be Different / And Tango Makes Three

During the summer term, we will be exploring Identity and Diversity. The focus of the term is exploring our sense of identity.

Communication and Language 
Physical, Social and Emotional Development
Expressive Arts and Design
Physical development
General Information

Summer Two: Identity & Diversity - The Proudest Blue / Ruby's Worry

We will continue to explore Identity and Diversity with a focus on our communities and how we identify amongst those around us.

Communication and Language 
Physical, Social and Emotional Development
Expressive Arts and Design
Physical development
General Information