
Curriculum Newsletter

Collaboration matters   Excellence in everything   Community first   Equity for everyone   Continuous growth

Autumn One: Identity & Diversity - Happy to be Me

 This half term, our topic is Identity and Diversity. We will focus on our sense of identity and our community.


Our core text is 'Happy to be me' by Emma Dodd. We will use it to learn about ourselves, our senses, our likes and dislikes. We will also learn about our differences and about things that are the same about us. Children will begin to recognise the initials of their first names or familiar logos. Children will be adding some marks to their drawings, which they will give meaning to. For example: “That says mummy.” They will make marks on their picture to stand for their name. Children will use high quality vocabulary through use of pictures and images. Children will be introduced to simple sentences to describe their facial features. 

Communication and Language 

Children in Nursery will be learning how to express themselves following modelling by adults. They will begin to put more than two words together to form simple sentences they can use during their play and focused learning. Children will be introduced to sentence stems, new vocabulary linked to the topic for the term through use of Widgit symbols and images. Children will also learn how to answer simple 'what and where' questions.    


In Maths this half term, we will focus on: 

Ordinality of numbers - sequencing numbers 1-5 through rhymes and games. 

Cardinality of numbers - quantity of objects through use of our fingers and body actions. 

2D shapes - identifying 2D shapes and using the shapes for a purpose.

Physical, Social and Emotional Development
Throughout our story 'Happy to be Me', Nursery children will learn to sharing skills, make positive relationships, talk about their identity. They will be learning how to express their likes and dislikes. With support, children will learn to follow class routines and expectations, select and choose activities independently. For fine motor skills, children will use different writing instruments.
Expressive Arts and Design
Children will be using different mark making tools to draw their facial features and their families. They will also be learning how to use scissors and painting using the correct paint. Children will be taught how to use different tools safely. Children will use musical instruments to create own tunes or play to familiar nursery rhymes. 
Physical Development

Children will be using large-muscle movements paint and make marks. For fine motor skills, children will use different writing instruments. Children will be using bikes in the outdoor area for gross motor skills. Children will also begin learning how to put their coats on as the weather changes, wash their hands after using the toilet with support and explore the entire Nursery indoor and outdoors.  


Our focus will be on Foundations for Phonics which is part of Little Wandle, using rhymes and stories.The rhymes and stories will support children in their early reading. They will be able to differentiate sounds made by instruments, animals and body percussion. They will also learn the sounds they hear at the beginning of their names through games. 

General Information

Parental Engagement: Reading Friday mornings from 9:00-9:20AM 

                                     Reading  Friday afternoons from 3:00-3:30PM

Lending book library: Books to be changed when ready.

Trips/Visitors: Masked reader from the school


Last day of term: 20th October 2023

Autumn Two: Identity & Diversity - We are Family

 This half term, our topic is Identity and Diversity. We will  continue to focus on our sense of identity with a focus on families.


Our core text 'We are Family' by Patricia Hegarty. We will read this text as we focus on families, how different they are and how similar they are. We will also be looking at roles and responsibilities in families, celebrations, festivals and food. We will get to talk about where some families live and how we keep in touch with them. As families are different, there are certain things that Nursery children do which are the same. An example of this is coming to Nursery, going to the park during the weekend. Children will have a chance to talk about their families and express their opinions on how their families live. Children will also taste food from different cultures and dress up to celebrate the uniqueness of each culture represented in the classroom. Nursery children will  also talk about the jobs their grown ups do. 

Communication and Language 

As we will be learning about families, children will listen to others as they talk about their families. They will be taking turns to express their views on the differences and similarities in number of family members, number of pets, grandparents, celebrations and festivals. They will continue building up their vocabulary linked to topic through carpet and free flow sessions. Children will also learn how to answer simple 'who', 'when'  and where' questions and in context. Children will also be encouraged to use learnt vocabulary and speak in full simple sentences such as, 'I have .. 'or 'my family...' Nursery children will begin to learn about how to take turns with 'talk partner.' 


In Maths , we will focus on: 

Ordinality of numbers - counting accurately 1-5 using counting  nursery rhymes

Cardinality of numbers -  counting accurately 1-5 using number blocks (wks 2&3)

Measurement-Weight- using mathematical language to describe weight 

Measurement-Height-using mathematical language to describe weight 

Measurement-Capacity-using mathematical language to describe weight 

Repeat Pattern- identifying and creating repeat pattern

Physical, Social and Emotional Development

Our core text, 'We are Family', will support children to share things they do with their families without the need of doing the same things e.g going on holiday or getting a new toy. Children will be supported to use the zones of regulation to express their feelings. The Good to be Green will support with managing behaviour and stopping unwanted behaviour linked to the school's behaviour policy.

Expressive Arts and Design

Children will be using a lot of natural resources such as autumn leaves, sticks, pine cones and acorns to create families including animal families. 'Stickman' story will be used to support their creative skills. Children will use well known nursery rhymes to form their own lyrics using known tunes. They will learn to express themselves through art, songs and dances. 

Physical Development

As the children are now more settled, our focus on gross motor skills will be to continue to develop their movement, balancing, riding (scooters, trikes and bikes) and ball skills. A variety of games will be introduced to support children with their hoping, skipping and collaboration skill. For fine motor skills, we will be working on increasing their independence around putting on their coats themselves. We will also encourage children to use one handed tools such as scissors to cut. Children will be supervised as they use any sharp tools.  


Our focus will be on Foundations for Phonics which is part of Little Wandle, using rhymes and stories. They will be planned activities linked to the rhymes which will support children's understanding to be able to respond to questions such as, "Where was the spider? in Incy Wincy Spider. Environmental sounds will also be done in small groups. Children will also be involved in games to support their blending skills. 

General Information

Parental Engagement: Reading Friday mornings from 9:00-9:20 AM 

Reading  Friday afternoons from 12:30-12:50 PM

Christmas Performance: TBC

End of term: 21.12.2023

Spring One:  - You Choose Fairy tales

                                                 This half term, our topic is You Choose Fairy Tales. We will focus on what is fair and unfair.

                                                                      We will also focus on the importance of caring and sharing.


Nursery's core-text for this term  is 'You Choose Fairy Tales' by Nick Sharrat. The core-text will support children to make choices of their favourite fairy tales. Children will choose which fairy tale hero they would like to be, where they would live. The core-text will support children to talk about settings and characters. The fairy tales the children will read, will showcase how some characters can be fair and other unfair. Children will also talk about caring and sharing using the characters in the stories. Children will follow instruction to be able to retell the stories using their  own words without loosing the story line. 

Communication and Language 

Children in Nursery with learn the language used in fairy tales. They will talk about what is fair and unfair and explain why. Children will take participate in small group, class and one-to-one discussions, expressing their own opinions, using recently introduced vocabulary. They will use learnt vocabulary to create own fairy tale stories.  


In maths, children will be learning to identify and count accurately numerals 1-5. Children will continue to subitise quantity  up to 5 using objects, picture cards and items that can be counted. In subitising children will learn to identify quantity without counting but noticing patterns. Nursery children will also learn about non standard measurement focusing on length. The will estimate how long the 3 bears' footprints are and how long the beanstalk is. Number blocks will be used to support the counting accurately skill.  

Physical, Social and Emotional Development

This half term in Nursery, children will share experiences and things they think are fair and those that are unfair. Examples could be the amount of time their friend spend on the bikes or their friends not sharing. Children will link their experiences to the fairy tale stories. Children will take time to explore how best things can be fair for everyone. They will need to work together to make things fair through sharing and caring for each other. With new children joining this term, the older children will buddie up and support the new comers to settle well in Nursery. 

Expressive Arts and Design

This half-term children will be using their creativity skills such as joining, squezzing and matching materials.

Physical Development 
This half-term, children will be taking part in different activities that will support their gross and fine motor skills. For gross motor skills, children will be building castles or fairy tale houses using large and small bricks. Children will begin to use skipping ropes and creating obstacle courses for group games. For fine motor skills, children will continue to learn how to use the scissors buy cutting along zig-zag, straight and curved lines on paper. They will also be drawing their favourite characters using paint brushes, crayons and chalk.

Following Little Wandle, Nursery children will focus on Nursery rhymes, stories and songs. These learning opportunities will support children's vocabulary and enable them to express themselves. Nursery children will also be orally blending words such as b-u-s, l-e-g and listening for initial sounds at the beginning of their names and their friends' names.  

General Information

Reading every Friday: 8:50 AM                 12:30PM

Reading record books handed in every Thursday.

End of Term: 09.02.24

Spring Two: Sustainable Development - Oliver's Vegetables

During spring 2, we will continue to explore Sustainable Development. The focus of the term is learning about vegetables, healthy cooking and eating and how vegetables can help us.

Communication and Language 
Physical, Social and Emotional Development
Expressive Arts and Design
Physical Development 
General Information

Summer One: Social Justice & Equity - Superhero ABC

During the summer term, we will be exploring Social Justice and Equity. The focus of the term is learning about our community heroes.

Communication and Language 
Physical, Social and Emotional Development
Expressive Arts and Design
Physical development
General Information

Summer Two: Social Justice & Equity - What Can A Citizen Do?

During the summer term, we will be exploring Social Justice and Equity. The focus of the term is learning about our community heroes.

Communication and Language 
Physical, Social and Emotional Development
Expressive Arts and Design
Physical development
General Information