Year 2

We hope you had a restful Easter break and we hope you are as excited as we are for all that is to come in Summer term.  In the newsletter you will be able to explore all the exciting learning as well as the words which will be used in our weekly spellings.

Year 2 have a fantastic term ahead.  In Maths, they will dive into frations and telling the time to half past and 5 minutes past the hour. The children's new core text, The Promise explores the idea of learning right from wrong and what values are important to hold onto.  The children will use debating strategies to enhance the opinions, thoughts and feelings.


In English, our writing will be inspired by our core text 'The Promise' by Nicola Davis. During the learning journey, we will be writing a newsletter to descrie the disturbing experiences the city has faced.  To do this, we will be comparing features of poetry, comic strip and generating descriptive vocabulary.


This half term, we will be looking at fractions and using are prior knowledge of partitioning numbers to find our answers in the most effective way. We will do this through physical resources like cubes and beads and ensure that we are always re reading our learning to check our answer.  


In science, we will be learning  about Plants. We will be looking at the similarities and differences between seeds and bulbs.  We will be creating a comparitive test to see if our predictions about our seed conditions are correct.  For example, do larger seeds create larger plants?

       Knowledge Organiser


We will be building upon our knowledge of the United Kingdom whilst making comparisons to the Gambia. A few of the topics we will be focusing on are the difference in climate, physical features and seasons. We will also be able to explain the difference between how developed each country by the end of this half term. 

Knowledge Organiser


This half term we will be learning about Privacy and Security. We will be able to protect information, accounts and devices. We will be able to describe and explain rules for keeping online information private, as well as being able to explain 'how to keep things private' online. 


In RE, we will be focusing on Islam. We will be learning about the 5 Pillars, the Prophet Muhammed PBUH and how Islamic values affect how Muslims conduct their daily lives.   

Knowledge Organiser


In PE, we will be exploring athletics and net games.  We will be looking at activities that involve moving quickly and changing direction as well as rolling an object through a target.

Design and Technology

We will be designing and constructing a Carnival headdress. We will explore a range of materials both strong and flexible and then evaluating the process at the end of the project.

Knowledge Organiser


 We will be focusing on identifying different musical instruments in a variety of pieces of music, and also comparing and contrasting different styles of music whilst becoming familiar with musical terms and phrases. We will be playing short and simple melodic phrases on tuned and un tuned percussive instruments.


We will be looking at health and wellbeing and the importance of an active and what the result of a poor diet can lead to.

Weekly Spellings