Year 1
Welcome back from the Easter break! We hope that you and your children had a fantastic spring break and are now ready and excited to continue their last term of the year at Woodhill. We are thrilled to present the Year 1 curriculum newsletter for the summer term, where you can explore the incredible learning experiences that we have in store for your children during this upcoming period. We have also included the spellings for this term for you to practice at home with your children.
This half term our core text in English is Dougal's deep-sea diary. We will be retelling and innovating the events from the book, which will help us to write a diary entry as our final outcome for this learning journey.
In Maths we are exploring length and height, weight and discussing the key vocabulary of taller / longer and shorter, then volume and mass. We are practising these skills using real life objects - starting with measuring objects with everyday items, and conducting hands on activities to master and deepen our knowledge of the learning.
Animals including humans
In science this half term, Year 1 will be learning about 'Animals including humans'. Children will be able to identify and name the five different types of animals (mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fish and birds),their features and their diets (carnivores, omniores and herbivores). They will be identifying the features of the human body, making comparisons to animals.
We will be identifying labelling and mapping the 5 oceans of the world, human and physical features of the coast and identifying cause and effect of human activity/pollution in the ocean. Throughout this topic, the children will be suggesting possible ways to protect this environment, as well as solutions to combat this.
In Computing, we will be looking at creating both fiction and non fiction articles on Purple Mash. They will be working towards giving a presentation to the class and have the choice between creating a story or a class topic to feed back with.
In RE Year One are looking at Islam and observing places of worship, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his significance within the religion and the importance of the Qu'ran.
In PE we are focusing on net games using a racket, and learning how to control an object with a racket, working up to controlling and hitting the object with a racket with precision. We are also working on our Athletic skills, practicing jumping forwards, backwards and sideways.
Design and Technology
In DT this half term we are looking at weaving, and learning how to make a class blanket. We have started by weaving paper and identifying materials that would be appropriate. We will be using looms in our final outcomes.
In Music, we will be exploring a variety of songs and using our imagination. We will also be listening to songs from well known childrens films and learning to sing these both with and without music.
In RHE, will be identifying what money is and how people might get/earn money. We will discuss how to keep money safe, including explaining the purpose of banks and building society. We will also be exploring the difference between a want and a need.