
Once Upon a time 

Our Autumn term topic in Nursery is 'Happy to be me'. Through rhyme, songs and art we will be exploring who we are, and celebrating what makes us all special.

Communication and Language

We will be reading our 'Favourite Five' books and using these to talk about what we know and have experienced.

Where’s Spot

Dear Zoo

Going on a bear hunt

The Gruffalo

Shark in the park

We will be talking about our identity, our likes and dislikes and using talk to describe ourselves and others.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

We will be exploring our Nursery provision both inside and out and will embed our daily routines. 

We will learn how to collaborate with our friends and how we can work as a team to tidy up, play with and share our equipment.

We will be learning to identify how our friends are feeling (e.g. happy, sad, worried etc.) and how we can show that we are a good friend.

Physical Development

We will be developing our gross and fine motor skills within all aspects of the provision. We will be using large construction equipment to create buildings and structures and will be learning how to negotiate space when climbing over, under and around the climbing equipment. 


We will be talking about our facial features using simple sentences and will be describing these features using a growing vocabulary.

We will be exploring sensory activities and using our senses to investigate the different textures and smells in our smelly pots.


We will be taking part in finger rhymes with numbers and will be using real life contexts to count everyday items reciting numbers beyond 5 and saying one number for each item in order: 1,2,3,4,5.

We will be developing our rapid recognition of up to 3 objects, without having to count them individually (subitising). 

Expressive arts and design

We will be using mirrors and photographs to look at ourselves carefully. We will talk about the features we can see and will then create self portraits using a range of materials such as pens, paints and collage

Understanding the world

We will be using our senses to explore the seasons and will be observing how our environment changes as we move from Summer to Autumn and into Winter.