This is a yellow ring of Spain and of the physical education. The city is Manlleu and the highschool is Institut Antoni Pous i Argila.

This activity it's related with P.E. since it is about doing sports and to improve your physical education. One of the activities is, for example, the Cooper test, which consist on mesuring the resistance of our body by running with a constant rithm. An other activity is for example a game called colpbol, that consists to hit the ball with only the hands and only one time. We are working the flexibility too.


At teh high school we did to tests : The Cooper test and the test of flexibility.

The Cooper test , is a test to see your resistense with running the maxim distance with 12 minutes with a constant speed without stoping. You run doing big circles for example in a track. Every circle count to your final result. For example , I did 16 tours at the first time that I did this exercise, then after a month you repete it to see if you improve , and there I did 20 tours, that means that my resistence improve.

The other exersise that is the flexibiliy, consist in sist down at the floor, and straigth your legs , at the way that your feets touch the wall . Then you have to touch your legs with your hands at the maximal distance that you can. To see your flexibility , also we did a exercise that you sit down on the floor ,and next to you there were a bench.....

encara no he acabat


I chose this sentence , because I think that it's true.

Maybe if you start doing some kind of sport, it's difficult to you , but when you practise all the time, you became better and that thing that was really difficult at the begining, now is easier, because with all this practise you just became better, and you must remember that this improve that you did is only thank for you.


My motivational song that I chose is " Wake me up" by Avicii, and I chose this song, because the lyrics are really good , like for example it says:

So wake me up when it's all over

When I'm wiser and I'm older

All this time I was finding myself

And I didn't know I was lost

I think that the text is really beautiful , but at the same time a little bit sad. For me this song is motivational, because the lyrics make me feel that everything it's possible , and sometimes the life it's really difficult and we can lost our selfs in this world.

Also I think that it's really reflexive , and makes you think about all that you do.


This presentation , is about all the places that we visited when me and Laia , had roomates from Germany in our houses. In this presentation you can find all the explanation of every day of the Erasmus week, from : Monday to Sunday.



I always did a lot of sport activities when I was little, but since I went to the high school I've got a lot of homework and less time to do sport.

At the moment I am not doing any sport , but I wanna go to the gym and try some activities.