Healthy environment


The second ring is the ring of Slovakia , from the highschool Cirkevna Spojena Skola in Snina.

This ring works with the healthy environment , that means that the people that gonna go there , they gonna learn about the recycling and do activities related to how to help the environment .

Also, Snina is a little city that it's about 19.000 of population, so it's not a lot, but it's a really beautiful city located really close to the border of Ukraine.

There you can find a lot of mountains that you can explore or there are a lot of roads situated in the nature that you can go for a simple walk.



This video is about the enviroment in our highschool, and you can see some ideas that we had to improve a little bit the bad situation of the environment.

pollution 1280x720 3,78Mbps 2019-06-02 13-22-30.mp4


This second video is about the environment in our area that we live, that at this case is Osona.

Also, here are some ideas that we had , that really can help the enviroment, but there are a little bit more difficult to complete , because we don't have the control of Osona, and we can't put this ideas in live. But we hope that one day the things gonna change.

video osona 1280x720 3,78Mbps 2019-06-02 12-10-11.mp4


This topic that we worked here made me think of what it's rellay going on in the earth, and how big is the problem.

I knew that the situation in the planet isn't good , but I never thought ways that we can do to help the enviroment improve.

I think that all the ideas that we gave in the videos are correct, and all the schools and high schools should do them too.

At home , my family recycle and we try not to use plastics or other materials that are bad for the enviroment. For example we use material bags and not plastic ones.