NZSL is the language of New Zealand’s Deaf community and an official language of New Zealand. Whether you’re studying NZSL, trying to connect with a Deaf friend, or just having fun with a new language, Learn NZSL has a lot to offer!

Learn NZSL is a free learning portal on New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL). Watch, learn and practise how to use NZSL in common situations, shown as nine topics below. Within each topic, you’ll find plenty of videos, resources and exercises to keep you busy. Go through the topics in sequence to get the full story of Learn NZSL.


How many letters and numbers can you sign?

Can you sign your name and age?

Can you sign your family member's names?

Can you finger spell some words for someone to guess?

Can you finger spell your spelling words?

Can you sign the days of the week?

Songs in NZSL