Google Classroom

(or Flipgrid or Nearpod or Seesaw)

"Through our own classroom online communities (such as Google Classroom or Flipgrid), we have a perfect opportunity to embed digital citizenship learning. The best example I have used myself is through short answer questions and the discussion (online) that follows."

Students need exposure and experience interacting in an online space


  • Pros and cons of an issue

  • Justifying opinions

  • Sharing ideas

  • Brainstorming

  • Discussing characters in a book

Teaching and scaffolding will be required (kids won't be magically capable of high quality online discussion) :


  • How to disagree with someone respectfully

  • How to build on an idea (“piggybacking”) with your own idea

  • How to ask a follow up question to clarify

  • How to give a compliment

Download and use this FREE poster I made to help my students get started.

commenting poster.png

How to create a class discussion in Classroom -->

It was super to come across another educator who embraces the use of digital spaces to grow and foster digital citizenship skills and behaviours! Check out Katelyn's work below:

ISTE22 Poster Presentation:

Cultivating Classroom Community in Digital Spaces by @k8roulette2