
Marty McGauran is an Australian primary (elementary) school teacher and educational consultant with over 12 years experience in schools. He is a qualified teacher, holds a Masters of Education (ICT & Digital Learning) as well as being a Google for Education Certified Trainer and Innovator. In 2018 he co-founded Tech In Edu Magazine which is a publication that supports effective and innovative teaching and learning with technology.


Marty's passion for digital citizenship & online safety comes from his extensive experience as both a classroom teacher & school technology/curriculum leader. He is equally energised presenting to parents & carers, teachers or students! In 2022 his live streamed incursion program (Every Term, Every Student) reaches an Australian audience of 21,000 students.

ISTE launch!

Marty is back together with his sidekick Ollie, complimented by the musical talents of "Damo", to launch a brand new FREE series of digital citizenship videos and learning activities for 5-8 year olds: