Papers and presentations


  • Villegas, Julián, Konstantin Markov, Jeremy Perkins, Seunghun J. Lee (2020) Prediction of creaky speech by recurrent neural networks using psychoacoustic roughness, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing. (

  • Hwang, H., Lee, S. J., P. Gerber and S. Grollmann (2019) Laryngeal contrast and tone in Tamang: an analysis based on a new set of Tamang data. Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan 23 (1): 41-50. [LINK]

  • Lee, S. J., S. Kawahara, C. Guillemot and T. Monou (2019) Acoustics of the four-way laryngeal contrast in Drenjongke (Bhutia): Observations and implications. Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan 23 (1): 65-75 [LINK]

  • Lee, Seunghun J., Shigeto Kawahara, Céleste Guillemot, Tomoko Monou. (2019) The acoustic correlates of the four-way laryngeal contrast in Drenjongke stops. In Sasha Calhoun, Paola Escudero, Marija Tabain & Paul Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019 (pp. 1445-1449). Canberra, Australia: Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc. [LINK]

  • Celeste Guillemot, Seunghun J. Lee, Fuminobu Nishida. (2019) An acoustic and articulatory study of Drenjongke fricatives. In Sasha Calhoun, Paola Escudero, Marija Tabain & Paul Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019 (pp. 1179-1183). Canberra, Australia: Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc. [LINK]

  • Julián Villegas and Seunghun J. Lee (2019) An electroglottograph study of tonal contrast in Drenjongke (Bhutia). Proceedings of the Seoul International Conference on Speech Sciences 2019 (SICSS 2019). p. 27. [LINK]

  • Céleste Guillemot, Seunghun Lee, Shigeto Kawahara, Tomoko Monou and Jeremy Perkins (2019) Perception of Vowel Length Contrast in Drenjongke (Bhutia). Proceedings of the Seoul International Conference on Speech Sciences 2019 (SICSS 2019). p. 30. [LINK]

  • Seunghun J. Lee, Jeremy Perkins and Céleste Guillemot (2019) A preliminary ultrasound study of the retroflex contrast in Drenjongke. Proceedings of the Seoul International Conference on Speech Sciences 2019 (SICSS 2019). p. 120. [LINK]

  • Lee, S. J., Hwang, H.K., Monou, T., Kawahara, S. (2018) The phonetic realization of tonal contrast in Dränjongke. Proc. TAL2018, Sixth International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages, 217-221. (DOI: 10.21437/TAL.2018-44, [LINK])

  • Lee, S. J. and S. Kawahara (2018) The phonetic structure of Dzongkha: a preliminary study. Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan 22.1: 13-20. (

(Under review)

  • Lee, S. J., G. van Driem and S. Kawahara (under revision) Drenjongke.

  • Lee, S. J., G. van Driem, S. Kawahara, K. Tshering and C. Guillemot (under revision) Dzongkha.


  • Lee, Seunghun J. (2020) Acoustics of vowel phonation in Burmese Mon. The 34th General Meeting of the Phonetic Society of Japan. September 27, 2020.

  • Lee, Seunghun J. and Céleste Guillemot (2020) Voiceless nasals in Drenjongke (Bhutia). International Webinar on Languages of North East India Organized by the Centre for Naga Tribal Language Studies, Nagaland University, Kohima Campus. August 8, 2020.

  • Guillemot, Céleste, Seunghun J. Lee and Jeremy Perkins (2020) The retroflex tongue position in Drenjongke (Bhutia). 2020 Summer Southeast Asia Conference Program. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea, June 19, 2020.

  • Guillemot, Céleste and Seunghun J. Lee (2020) Phonetic Variation of a Phonological Target: Voiceless Nasals in Drenjongke. 日本音韻論学会2020年度春期研究発表会 The Spring Meeting of the Phonological Society of Japan 2020. June 19, 2020.

  • Lee, Seunghun J., Céleste Guillemot, Le Xuan Chan and Mana Ashida (2020) Intonation of questions in Drenjongke (Bhutia). Prosody and Grammar Festa 4. February 15-16, 2020 @ Kobe University

  • Lee, Seunghun J. Lee, Céleste Guillemot, Kunzang Namgyal, Jigmee Wangchuk Bhutia (2019) Prosodic cues of polar questions in Drenjongke (Bhutia). The 6th NINJAL International Conference on Phonetics and Phonology. NINJAL. December 13-15, 2019.

  • Guillemot, Céleste, Tomoko Monou, Shigeto Kawahara, Seunghun J. Lee (2019) Prosody comes first? Phonetic realization of long vowels in Drenjongke. The 6th NINJAL International Conference on Phonetics and Phonology. NINJAL. December 13-15, 2019.

  • Lee, Seunghun (2019) Phonetic features of Drenjongke (Bhutia). チベット=ビルマ言語学研究会 (Tibeto-Burman Linguistic Circle) 第49回会合. 神戸研究学園都市UNITY. December 8, 2019.

  • Villegas, Julián and Seunghun J. Lee (2019) An electroglottograph study of tonal contrast in Drenjongke (Bhutia). Seoul International Conference on Speech Sciences 2019. Seoul National University. November 15-16, 2019.

  • Guillemot, Céleste, Seunghun Lee, Shigeto Kawahara, Tomoko Monou and Jeremy Perkins (2019) Perception of Vowel Length Contrast in Drenjongke (Bhutia). Seoul International Conference on Speech Sciences 2019. Seoul National University. November 15-16, 2019.

  • Lee, Seunghun J., Jeremy Perkins and Céleste Guillemot (2019) A preliminary ultrasound study of the retroflex contrast in Drenjongke. Seoul International Conference on Speech Sciences 2019. Seoul National University. November 15-16, 2019.

  • Lee, Seunghun J., Céleste Guillemot, Honoka Asai, Audrey Lai and Kotone Sato (2019) A preliminary study of the vowel length contrast in Drenjongke. The Thirty-third General Meeting of the Phonetic Society of Japan (PSJ 33). Seisen University. September 28, 2018.

  • Lee, Seunghun J., Shigeto Kawahara, Céleste Guillemot, Tomoko Monou (2019) The acoustic correlates of the four-way laryngeal contrast in Drenjongke stops, The International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) 2019 . Melbourne, Australia. August 5-9, 2019.

  • Guillemot, Céleste, Seunghun J. Lee, Fuminobu Nishida (2019) An acoustic and articulatory study of Drenjongke fricatives The International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) 2019 . Melbourne, Australia. August 5-9, 2019.

  • Monou, Tomoko, Céleste Guillemot, Seunghun J. Lee, George van Driem, Shigeto Kawahara (2019) 音声音韻及びロマ字と元文字の新正書法2019: ヒマラヤの原住民話者への助力. 海外学術調査フェスタ. 東京外国語大学 July 6, 2019.

  • Lee, Seunghun J. (2019) Segment-tone interaction in two Tibeto-Burman languages: Drenjongke and Dzongkha. University of Macau. March 27, 2019.

  • Lee, Seunghun J. (2019) What Drenjongke (Bhutia) tells us about human language? Colloquium. Makhim (Bhutia Kayrab Yargay Tsogpo Headquarter), Sikkim. March 14, 2019.

  • Lee, Seunghun J. (2019) Multi Track Audio Editing Workshop. Makhim (Bhutia Kayrab Yargay Tsogpo Headquarter), Sikkim. March 14, 2019.

  • Lee, Seunghun J. (2019) Phonetics and Phonology of segment-tone interaction in two Tibeto-Burman languages: Drenjongke and Dzongkha. Linguistics Colloquium, University of Delhi. March 8, 2019.

  • Guillemot, Céleste, Shigeto Kawahara, Tomoko Monou, Jeremy Perkins, Seunghun J. Lee (2019) A Quantitative Analysis of a Laryngeal Contrast in Drenjongke (Bhutia) fricatives. Phonology Festa 14. Meikai University (Urayasu Campus). March 4-5, 2019.

  • Villegas, Julian and Seunghun J. Lee. (2019) Creating maps for linguistic field-work using R. Technology Showcase Session. The 6th International Conference on Language Documentation and Conservation (ICLDC6). University of Hawai'i. February 28-March 3, 2019. [Link]

  • Guillemot, C. and S. J. Lee (2018) An interaction between voicing and tone in Dränjongke fricatives. The 157th Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Society of Japan. Kyoto University. November 17th, 2018.

  • Hwang, H. K., S. J. Lee, S. Grollmann and P. Gerber (2018) Laryngeal contrast and tone in Tamang: A preliminary study. The Thirty-Second General Meeting of the Phonetic Society of Japan. Okinawa International University. September 15, 2018.

  • Tada, Haruka, Seunghun J. Lee, Tomoko Monou, Hyun Kyung Hwang, Céleste Guillemot, Jeremy Perkins, Julián Villegas, Shigeto Kawahara, Fuminobu Nishida, George van Driem, Selin Grollmann, Pascal Gerber (2018) PhoPhoNO project: Converging phonetics and phonology in suggesting orthographies for understudied Tibeto-Burman languages. 国際シンポジウムとポスターセッション, NINJAL, Tokyo. August 5, 2018.

  • Perkins, J., S. J. Lee, S. Kawahara and T. Monou (2018) Consonants and tones: A view from two Tibeto-Burman languages. The 156th Linguistics Society of Japan. Tokyo University. June 23, 2018.

  • Lee, S. J., H. K. Hwang, T. Monou and S. Kawahara (2018) Consonants as tonal targets in Dzongkha. 2018 Spring Meeting Phonological Society of Japan. Daito Bunka University. June 22, 2018.

  • Lee, S. J., H.K. Hwang, T. Monou and S. Kawahara (2018) The phonetic realization of tonal contrast in Dränjongke. The Sixth International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages (TAL 6). Beuth University Berlin. June 18-20, 2018.

  • Monou, Tomoko, George van Driem, Selin Grollmann, Pascal Gerber, Seunghun J. Lee, Hyun Kyung Hwang, Jeremy Perkins, Julián Villegas, Shigeto Kawahara, Fuminobu Nishida (2018) 音声音韻及びロマ字と元文字の新正書法: ヒマラヤの原住民話者への助力 (Phonetics Phonology and New Orthographies (PhoPhoNO): Helping Native Language Communities in the Himalayas) 海外学術調査フェスタ. The Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo. June 16, 2018.

  • Kawahara, S., S. J. Lee and T. Monou (2018) Tonal aspects of some Tibeto-Burmese languages. プロジェクト研究発表会 @ NINJAL. June 9, 2018.

  • Lee, S. J., S. Kawahara, H. Tada and H. Kaji (2017) The acoustic manifestation of laryngeal contrasts in Dzongkha: a preliminary study, a poster presentation at the Seoul International Conference on Speech Sciences. Seoul National University, Korea.

  • Lee, S. J., S. Kawahara, H. Tada and H. Kaji (2017) A preliminary acoustic study of tone in Dzongkha, The 31st Annual Meeting of the Phonetic Society of Japan. University of Tokyo, Korea.