
This project has been completed in January 2020, but this website will be updated when new information becomes available.

Check out the phophono digital archive:

The research project "Phonetics, Phonology and New Orthographies in Roman and Indigenous Script: Helping Native Language Communities in the Himalayas (PhoPhoNO)" aims to conduct phonological research on three Trans-Himalayan languages, namely the Drenjongke language of Sikkim and two Tamang lects, and to develop orthographies for each of these languages. PhoPhoNO represents a joint project between the University of Bern in Switzerland and International Christian University of Japan and will embody a new approach to the documentation and description of linguistic structures, by combining the expertise and competence of scholars working in different domains and allowing more in-depth research. The linguists in Bern and in Tokyo will use their expertise to help three native language communities in the Himalayas.

This work was supported by Strategic Japanese-Swiss Science and Technology Programme of JSPS and SNSF.


Upcoming events

January 9-11, 2020

PhoPhoNO Final Conference @ ICU [LINK]


  • November 23-29, 2019
    • Drenjongke (Sikkim, India)
    • Lee, Villegas
    • Local Resource Coordinators: Dr. Kunzang Namgyal, Mr. Jigmee Wangchuk Bhutia, Mrs. Tenzing Youden
  • July 26 - August 3, 2019
    • Drenjongke (Sikkim, India)
    • Lee, Guillemot
    • Local Resource Coordinators: Dr. Kunzang Namgyal, Mr. Jigmee Wangchuk Bhutia, Mrs. Tenzing Youden
  • March 7-19, 2019
    • Drenjongke (Sikkim, India)
    • Lee, Perkins
    • Local Resource Coordinators: Dr. Kunzang Namgyal, Mr. Jigmee Wangchuk Bhutia, Mrs. Tenzing Youden

If you have a question regarding the PhoPhoNO project, please contact us.

Dr. Seunghun Lee

ERB-326, International Christian University

3-10-2 Osawa Mitaka

Tokyo 181-0015 Japan

E-mail: seunghun AT icu (dot) ac (dot) jp

Drenjongke Youtube channel (please subscribe)

PhoPhoNO Archive

Publication (recent)

  • Lee, S. J. and S. Kawahara (2018) The phonetic structure of Dzongkha: a preliminary study. Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan 22.1: 13-20. [LINK]
  • Hwang, H., Lee, S. J., P. Gerber and S. Grollmann (2019) Laryngeal contrast and tone in Tamang: an analysis based on a new set of Tamang data. Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan 23 (1): 41-50. [LINK]


  • Lee, S. J., G. van Driem, S. Kawahara, K. Tshering and C. Guillemot. Dzongkha.
  • Lee, S. J., G. van Driem and S. Kawahara. Drenjongke.

Conference Presentation (recent)

  • Julián Villegas and Seunghun J. Lee (2019) An electroglottograph study of tonal contrast in Drenjongke (Bhutia). Seoul International Conference on Speech Sciences 2019. Seoul National University. November 15-16, 2019.
  • Céleste Guillemot, Seunghun Lee, Shigeto Kawahara, Tomoko Monou and Jeremy Perkins (2019) Perception of Vowel Length Contrast in Drenjongke (Bhutia). Seoul International Conference on Speech Sciences 2019. Seoul National University. November 15-16, 2019.
  • Seunghun J. Lee, Jeremy Perkins and Céleste Guillemot (2019) A preliminary ultrasound study of the retroflex contrast in Drenjongke. Seoul International Conference on Speech Sciences 2019. Seoul National University. November 15-16, 2019.