
November 17,  2023

Today I introduce you to our Getting Started with PEPT blog.

This is your starting point to learn before you earn from our Web2/Web3 traffic exchanging platform.

Please visit the provided link to participate in a living process where we share different paths along a traffic exchanging journey.

 Hive Onboard 

PEPT Traffic Exchange Community 

August 18,  2023

Project ePayTraffic is positioned for growth.

Since our last update, a lot has been learned about integrating our web2 project site with web3 blockchain technology.

A Hive blockchain community has been created, a PEPT token and an ePay token created, new domain names created and more.

Please visit the following links to learn more and to join our traffic exchanging community.

You are encouraged to join one of the most advanced decentralized platform that is proving to be the perfect solution for migrating your current web2 business to a web3 ecosystem.

Hive Onboard 

PEPT Traffic Exchange Community 

Earn Credit, Gold, Cash and ePay Tokens 

February 16,  2023

Hello everyone,

Effective today, going forward all membership levels on ePayTraffic will have 1:1 surfing ratio with no auto-assignment of advertising credits.

Please joint  ePayTraffic and try out some of our free and paid advertising services.


February 5,  2023

Hello everyone,

Our terms of services have been updated on ePayTraffic. Progress has been made with our MQS Approved system. MQS is beneficial to all member types so please visit our site as it evolves. Those that get in early and are active within our network will likely get the most return from our project deliverables.

MQS Approved links

January 28,  2023

Hello everyone,

Please accept my apology for not posting news more often. I am making improvements, some client facing and mostly back office. I have had some setbacks where I have decided to discontinue using ZenPhoto CMS application. The fjNetwork site will be separated from FrereJacques website.

This morning I have completed a Mass Payment via Paypal. I have also created a merchant account on Square and I am finalizing this setup for another payment processor option for those that do not use Paypal. I also accept bitcoins. I will update with more information on payment processing once I finalize the Square Merchant Account.

Wishing you all the best of days,

"Learn Before You Earn."

Jacques (Jack, FJ)  Arseneault


FJ World Inc

August 22,  2022

Hello everyone,

I have completed the foundation work for my IT infrastructure required for my online business as well as managing my personal life activities and interest. Some followers, people who know me, know I am not a supporter of the Facebook (Meta) platform. After my detailed analysis of generating an online income using various internet platforms, I deleted my FB account and made it my goal to find a better platform for sharing content on the internet in an honest, secured and safe manner. fjNetwork is my solution. It is and always will be work in progress. It is my hope to have much engagement from people all over the world. Read on and learn how we can all share our digital assets.


When you arrive at you will see a family photo. Click the family photo and you will enter the fjNetwork platform. Our platform is based on ZenPhoto CMS. After considerable amount of testing for a system that could be a central point of contact for accessing anything and everything, a digital asset album became a very logical solution. Providing that the system is designed with scalability and is well supported, ZenPhoto CMS is an excellent choice in adapting for just about all future needs.

Please visit fjNetwork to learn more. Remember, it has only been online a few days and FJ is only one worker. Your engagement will contribute in the evolution of sharing digital content in a more secured and safe environment.

"Learn before you earn."


Frere Jacques

Jacques (Jack, FJ)  Arseneault


FJ World Inc

skype: fjworld2

August 9,  2022

Hello everyone,

A quick update to let you know progress continues with our process improvement initiatives. Projects ePayTraffic and ModelPTC will see some changes that will deliver a value added service when using a traffic exchange site.


July 7,  2022

Hello everyone,

I am looking for your feedback. If you are/were a member of ePayTraffic or your very familiar with a manual traffic exchange, I welcome you to complete my Customer Feedback form.


June 30,  2022

Hello everyone,

I am in the process of moving several sites as part of my network reorganization. Also, it is summer time so I will not be online as much. Life at the lake time. Wishing you all the best.


June 16,  2022

Hello everyone,

Just a quick update to let you know I have just sent a Paypal Mass Payment to some members. I created a Paypal Mass Payment Manager to facilitate future payments.

Have an awesome day and thank you for being part of our traffic exchange project site.


June 2,  2022

Hello everyone,

Just a quick update to let you know I am testing some new features being added to ePayTraffic. You will see some system accounts on some member leaderboards. The system accounts and test are necessary to confirm that each member account types work as expected. Once the testing is completed successfully I will be ready to work on some Getting Started help guides.

Have an awesome day and thank you for being part of our traffic exchange project site.


April 13,  2022

Please be advised that I have completed a unique feature on ePayTraffic.  

This feature is called an 8 Second Daily Upgrade for FREE members. All members that surf pages on ePayTraffic start with a 15 second surf timer and receive one advertising credit for every page viewed. That is correct, all members have a 1:1 surfing ratio. Members can upgrade their account so they can have a shorter surfing timer. The shortest timer is 5 seconds. Now about this unique feature for free members. Free members are able to surf 100 pages and claim a one day 8 second surf upgrade. Once a day upgrade is claimed they can go to their trading account and activate the day upgrade. The time remaining on the upgrade is displayed and once the time elapses the account is set back to free.

Our goal is to make these daily upgrades as trade items on our trading platform. Also, we plan on allowing members to gift these upgrade days to other members. More on this later.

Thank you to members that have been active on ePayTraffic. During the development and testing of this unique feature, a few members were able to earn many days of this 8 Second Daily Upgrade. One member earned more than 30 days because the claim page came up every 12 pages during the testing cycle. So if your active on the site you increase the possibility of getting some really good deals during development and testing phases of our program.

That's all for now. See you on the site and do say hello on our site chat room.


March 23,  2022

Just a quick post to let you know that progress continues at ePayTraffic. After spending many hours on many TE sites I now have all the information I need to set some new direction in the TE community. So stay connected and be part of a more productive and profitable TE community. The online business world has changed greatly in the last 10 years but has your TE site activities changed accordingly?

Back in 2016, when I decided to make a profitable online business from a TE script I discovered the weakness, pros and cons in such a business venture. I was able to identify many possibilities for improvement. Improvement for members, site owners and for advertisers. ePayTraffic is my project site focused on exploring all the possible revenue streams from a membership site. I am the first to say that ePayTraffic is not your typical TE site. I have gotten a lot of feedback. Good and bad. In the coming months you will start to see some other TE sites opened by my company. ePayTraffic will continue to be a fully operational project site that will help build new standards for a high quality traffic exchange membership site.

Don't forget that ePayTraffic offers a 1:1 surfing ratio for all members. Yes, free members can surf one page to get one advertising credit.

Don't forget that ePayTraffic advertises your ad campaign to the world and not just to members that surf for advertising credits.

Don't forget that ePayTraffic reward program automatically adds cash rewards to your account. Most TE sites require the member to go to Surfer Reward page to claim a small prize. Not at ePayTraffic. We add your cash to your account at server reset time. You don't have to lose a cash prize because you forgot to make a claim on a surfer reward page.

Wishing you all the best. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if your interested in improving your online earning potential.


March 3,  2022

Hello everyone,

The latest newsletter has been sent to members of our Let's Work Together mailing list.

You can view and join here.



FJ World Inc

January 15,  2022

Hello everyone,

Unfortunately our host is dealing with server maintenance. Our systems have been down for a few hours and is expected to be back in an hour.

I will continue to monitor and I will update with more information as soon as possible.



FJ World Inc

November 29,  2021

Hello everyone,

Server migration has been completed for the most part. Still some back office checks to complete. I will update if there are any unexpected issues.

Now time enjoy some progress...

Today I have purchased a one year Platinum Partner upgrade at Finest Traffic. Please follow and join via following link. This is a revenue stream for you and ePayTraffic so get active on ePayTraffic and reap some benefits of the Finest Traffic Cash Pool.



FJ World Inc

November 23,  2021

Hello everyone,

Please be advised that I will be migrating several websites to a new server. 

This is tentatively scheduled for November 29, 1:30AM EST. It is expected to be completed within 5 hours so there will be an outage across many sites within the FJWI network. Also, it will mean that you may experience some delay while our new DNS propagates across the world. Once the sites become reachable again the performance response is expected to improve. The response will continue to be monitored and if necessary additional improvements will be implemented to our servers to ensure our network is able to scale as per additional service demand. 

Sorry for the issue but on the bright side, the migration is part of growing pain for any business. Wishing you all a great day and I will update as progress continues.



FJ World Inc

November 6,  2021

Hello everyone,

Server issue resolved. Systems are back. Sorry for the interruption.



FJ World Inc

November 6,  2021

Hello everyone,

FJWI server is currently having an operational issue. We are investigating and will update as soon as possible. As always, you may reach us at our skype group to chat. Visit Our Let's Work Together Chat Group



FJ World Inc

October 14,  2021

Hello everyone,

A Paypal mass payment has been sent to some active members of ePayTraffic



FJ World Inc

September 12,  2021

Hello everyone,

Our process improvement initiative is continuing at ePayTraffic. More improvements are coming to our reward program to help address the lost in revenue from members that lost the use of their Paypal account. FJ World Inc continues to be in good standing with Paypal and wish to thank all loyal members for their continued support. Additionally, FJWI is starting to make more use of UpHold and sees potential for future growth via UpHold and the digital economy. The digital economy is growing and some significant changes are coming as it relates to integration with the fiat economy. I am not one to go backwards so that often means I move very slowly from time to time depending on the current situation. For example, I am a believer in blockchain technology so investments are being evaluated and completed in a way that will generate some payback for the company and for all connected and loyal members of FJWI network of sites and programs. So yes, it is exciting to see up and down movement of bitcoins but one must realize that most digital coin service will not survive the next phase of changes coming. To mitigate some coin/cash flow risks going forward, FJWI will focus on building a unique rewards system that can help people and small businesses with their online activity. Our flagship traffic exchange site, ePayTraffic will be the primary medium for developing and implementing our next generation member reward system. More specifically, ePayTraffic Trading System will provide all the necessary components to buy, sell, trade, promote, market and grow your online business. During this building phase it will be important that members and visitors stay in touch with updates from FJWI. This can be easily accomplished by following updates to this site, as well as being an active member of and becoming a member/follower of our Let's Work Together mailing list and skype group. Need a little more guidance? Contact FJ privately via skype username fjworld2

In the past week, a new service was introduced at ePayTraffic. The service is called Surfing Game Service 501. The new service is directed at members that spend a lot of time on the internet clicking for prizes. Today there is huge community that spends many hours per day completing challenges related to viewing many websites. This service along with some tools and technology implemented by FJWI will greatly improve the effectiveness and efficiency of surfing many sites. Tools and technology that can greatly reduce your online time but still have fun and the by-product of this fun; is funding your business and personal online needs going forward.

Once again, I offer a kick start to your online activity. Provide your ePayTraffic (EPT) username and your Lost in Ad Space (LiAS) user name; make sure you joined LiAS using the referral link provided below. When you join a site and program using a referral link from FJWI you will receive support, guidance and incentives to help you in your own online journey.

ePayTraffic (EPT)

Lost in Ad Space (LiAS) - Join using this link and get one week Surfing Game Service 501 at ePayTraffic

Thanks again for your time and interest. Wishing you all the best and see you all on the net. Things are very fluid with our process improvement initiatives so stay in touch.



FJ World Inc

August 25,  2021

Hello everyone,

Today I purchased a one year  upgrade at Lost in Ad Space.

I am hoping this will help increase site traffic at ePayTraffic. As a boost in getting started, I offer a one week 8 second surf time upgrade for free members on ePayTraffic.

Contact FJ with your us ePayTraffic username and he will upgrade your account.



FJ World Inc

August 16,  2021

Hello everyone,

A Paypal mass payment has been sent to some active members of ePayTraffic



FJ World Inc

June 24,  2021

Hello everyone,

A Paypal mass payment has been sent to some active members of ePayTraffic



FJ World Inc

June 24,  2021

Hello everyone,

We now have a skype group for FJ World Inc.

FJWI Skype Group



FJ World Inc

March 5  2021

Hello everyone,

A Paypal Mass Payment has just gone out. Progress continues with site and program updates.



FJ World Inc

February 9,  2021

Hello everyone,

A Paypal Mass Payment has just gone out. Progress continues with site and program updates.



FJ World Inc

January 13, 2021

Hello everyone,

I am currently working on some organization tasks to improve the services, information and functionality you receive from FJWI operation. I will update this post so you can monitor the progress. I invite you to comment and/or share your views and concerns.

More coming...stay tuned.




FJ World Inc

December 7, 2020

Hello Members,

I have just completed a mass payment. I expect to send some more payments in the next few days.  Thank you all for being an active member of ePayTraffic. 



FJ World Inc

November 6, 2020

Hello Members,

Thank you all for being active on ePayTraffic. I know I have been doing a lot of clicking as part of a stress testing exercise.

This exercise allows me to take a close look at your surf logs and confirm that all is as expected. As it turns out I have to suspend some accounts. In addition to suspending some accounts I will be making changes to our advertising service so advertisers are no longer negatively impacted from unwanted behaviour of some members.

I am still working on an upcoming update. Wishing you all the best.



FJ World Inc

September 27, 2020

Hello World and Members of ePayTraffic

Today I made some changes to our collaborative advertising service. I have eliminated the use of EasyHits4U and rebuilt the service to avoid third party risks and reduce cost. Also, the new design will make it much easier to use in-house rotators and techniques so members get a more effective advertising experience. If you click the link below you will see a signup page for ePayTraffic and the member referral link will be randomly selected from a list of members that have paid for a collaborative service. Each time you click the link below it will select a random member from our list.

Also added, a new Paid For Performance splash page that is available for all members. In addition, this splash page is linked to our collaborative advertising service. Try the links below to see a couple of examples of usage. The first link randomly assigns the referring member and the second link assigns a specified member referral identification number.

Thank you again for being an active member  of ePayTraffic. I hope you are enjoying the benefits of our continuous process improvement initiatives. Have a great day.


FJ World Inc 

September 25, 20120

Hello World and Members of ePayTraffic

Today I made some changes to the main page of our trading system. The Member Sites feature provides free advertising to the public for members that have an active campaign on ePayTraffic. An active campaign has credits assigned and is circulating in our surfing page. The free bonus is that your campaign is also advertised to the public, not just logged in members and it does not consume any advertising credits.. Also added for public viewing is a list of partner sites in The Food Game . Follow the link below.


FJ World Inc 

September 3, 20120

Hello World and Members of ePayTraffic

Today a new condition was added to qualify for the $1.00 Daily Top Surfer Award. A member will need a minimum MQS score of 1,000 to collect the daily top surfer member reward. As we go forward with our journey you will learn more about MQS and how it will be used to evaluate member value. MQS will offer a unique way to improve the targeting of advertisements, promotions and more.


FJ World Inc 

July 15, 20120

Hello World and Members of ePayTraffic

A quick update to remind you to log into your ePayTraffic account and review your unit holding. Units have been appreciating so this may be your opportunity to have your units bought back for a profit. If you have any question and/or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me. 


FJ World Inc 

May 13, 20120

Hello World and Members of ePayTraffic

This has been another period of unknowns and there are more to come as we continue to adjust for what can only be new norms.

From a global perspective we continue to see rapid growth in eCommerce. I found the following interesting. "What is the future of eCommerce?

All indications are that more opportunities should continue to be available for one to earn an income from online activities. Activities online is traffic and ePayTraffic is in the business of converting traffic to payments to members for their contribution in a mutual and beneficial exchange. For this exchange to work well every member has to read, understand and accept the terms of service for being a member. FJ World Inc continues to demonstrate transparency and implements quality management policies and processes to ensure the highest quality membership based on activity. 

From the beginning, ePayTraffic has clearly stated that members are expected to be active. The Terms of Service (TOS) states; 

"1.3 If you have not logged into your account for over 90 days your account will be suspended. "


"1.5 A suspended account will be reviewed and a decision will be made as per requiring a permanent deletion. "

Going forward there will be some articles published to help members better understand the importance and value of policies and terms of services documents. This won't help people who do not have time to read or who assume they know how to run my revenue sharing program better than I do but it will cover my ass. A policy is worthless if it is full of grey areas. There are no exceptions to accounts being suspended because a member has not logged into their account for over 90 days.

Proposed change for account activity.

In the next few weeks, there will be some changes and testing completed to allow some conditions where an account will not be suspended based on last login time stamp. 

About your ePayTraffic Referral ID

 When an account gets created on ePayTraffic you are assigned an identification number. That number is unique to an advertising account associated to the registered member. It is not uncommon terminology to call this unique account number as a referral or affiliate id and used in promoting a member link. Please do not over assume that you are a Certified Affiliate of FJ World Inc because you have an account on ePayTraffic. Additionally, ePayTraffic manages a Trading Account for members which is linked to the member surfing account. ePayTraffic is not designed for members that are primarily focused on making money from upgrades purchased by members they referred. Going forward there will be some articles published to help members better understand our affiliate marketing practice and with becoming a Certified Associate of FJ World Inc.

Promoting Your ePayTraffic Referral Link

In addition to using the provided promotional links in your ePayTraffic account you can get a customized page hosted on a different domain name. Please have a look at the following customized page.

Customized Promotional Page Available

If you are interested in a customized page that is integrated with our collaborative advertising network, please contact FJ. A lot of effort is made to promote ePayTraffic for the benefit of all members. Expect to see more information coming on this new customized service.

Well enough for today. Please make time to "Learn before you Earn".


FJ World Inc 

April 1, 20120

Hello Members of ePayTraffic

Wow! March has been an unbelievable month. The world is in a pandemic because of COVID-19 and it is causing a lot of unknowns. This is where we find that good management alone is just not enough, we need good luck to survive the crisis we are all facing.

Stay positive because good luck is on the way to those who continue to work hard at achieving their objectives. Hard work always increases the possibility of good luck. Don't rely on luck alone because you need to be aware of risk management. That is where FJ World Inc has expertise and continues to make changes for ePayTraffic members to protect them from unknown.

Our Revenue Sharing Portfolio has been impacted by world events and measures have been taken to prepare for the future. Funds have been moved from securities to cash and ready to move back into securities when market conditions improve. Expect to see more short term fluctuation in Class A Units as trading continues towards long term growth.

Class B Units are reflective of site sales and activity while Class A Units are reflective of investment decisions. All commission earnings and cash surfing awards are now referred to as Member Rewards. Member Rewards get verified and when approved can be converted to cash to make purchased or receive as payment. This is where you need to keep an eye on our Trading System. Our Trading System is slowly offering more tools and services for active members. For example, some members are able to reset their daily surf time limit. This is not available automatically to all members. Every effort is made to get members to purchase an ungraded service on ePayTraffic. When members upgrade, a portion of the upgrade is used to reward members. Also, FJ World Inc allocates funds for advertising and marketing that also contributes to sales used to boost member rewards. Member Rewards are closely monitored to see patterns that clearly show which member is contributing in a positive way or mostly generating an expense for our revenue sharing program. For example, our surf logs confirm if you surf manually or you use assisted technology to avoid manual clicking. Surfing conditions and requirements exist for a reason.

A couple of week ago or so, FJ World Inc invested in a lifetime membership at Viral Traffic Game and Hungry For Hits. This is possible because of upgraded member sales at ePayTraffic as well as capital investment by FJ World Inc. In addition, a new site called The Food Game has been added as a preferred site for our Revenue Sharing Program. You are encouraged to join these sites using the provided referral links. The Food Game is a great way to have fun and to get familiar with many Traffic Exchange sites. Many people, including me enjoy the surfing part of traffic exchanges so a new service has been introduced at ePayTraffic. Please have a look at Surfing Game Service 101. This is a low cost service designed to boost member returns from VTG and the Food Game plus more. Currently at $3.00 per month and it will go up in price. This service will also be expanded to give gamers more opportunity going forward.

Also, do not forget that ePayTraffic has a surfing team on several traffic exchanges where you can earn some extra cash via our PromoSlice Weekly Promoter Challenge. Don't be shy. talk to FJ about joining a surfing team.

Well enough for today. Please make time to "Learn before you Earn". As crazy as life may become, there is always opportunity in a crisis. Markets will continue to go up and down and new ideas will come to fruition. Need help or information, never hesitate to contact me.



FJ World Inc 

March 10, 20120

Hello Members of ePayTraffic

Today I have updated our Trading System with new features. You now have the ability to transfer earned rewards to a cash trading account and make some purchases. At this time our marketplace is minimal. I want to keep it at a minimum until I do some more testing. So please check out what is new in your trading account and take notice you can reset your daily surf limit.



FJ World Inc 

March 7, 20120

Hello Members of ePayTraffic

I have just made changes to the Auto-Assign requirements for surfing our ad campaigns. Effective immediately free members will only need to assign 50% of their surfing credits earned. All upgraded service will no longer have this requirement. In the next few days I will be making additional changes to our program services. This includes ability to use a cash balance, transfer rewards to cash account and be able to purchase from cash balance. Plus more. Please visit our trading system and check out the changes being made. You are part of a living process so your feedback is greatly appreciated.

Here are a few things going on at ePayTraffic that should interest you.

I will update some more later today or so . I have some scheduled tasks to complete. Take care and thank you for being an active surfer on ePayTraffic



FJ World Inc 

March 1, 20120

Hello everyone, 

If you have been active on ePayTraffic you should have noticed some changes. There is a lot of work that happens in the back office before a new product or service can be made available. Today I want to mention a few areas where some changes were made to prepare for the future.  Member Sites, Weekly Promoter Challenge,  Member Rewards and Member Account Balances.

Member Sites - Starting today you do not have to be logged in your ePayTraffic account to view our member site pages. Notes I said pages. There are two versions of member sites. The original version where you need to be logged in your account and the visitor searchable version.  Both versions utilize the same data from ad campaigns created by a registered member. Today you can make all your ad campaigns more intuitive and effective in getting signups. For example, visitors can view all the active campaigns and each campaign has searchable fields. Imagine your communicating with a potential lead. You have the opportunity to both look at the same site summary screen where you display all the sites that match your referral identification. This is just the start of a very valuable service.  You will notice many sites with a display name starting with Revenue Sharing Program Level. These are the sites that are either currently contributing to our revenue sharing program or they are being evaluated as potential income streams.  You can create your own naming convention to help give some context to your advertising and marketing goals.  Go ahead and try it out and do not hesitate to give some feedback.

Weekly Promoter Challenge - This service is about working together to generate a common income stream for our revenue sharing program. The logistics of the framework has been tested using a popular traffic exchange site. How it work; we all promote the same referral link and rewards are distributed based on the amount of promoting you do. You will be provided with a link to track your effort and your reward with be provided accordingly. Keep an eye on the promoter page for more detail.

Member Rewards - All reference to commission will now be referred to as member rewards. All earnings related to Class B Units will be referred to as member rewards. The commission page that members see will serve as a secondary reference when determining the earnings of a member. A new feature will be added on the trading system to manage member rewards. Members will be able to search by reward type and view totals by account types.

Member Account Balances - The goal here is to be able to purchase from a cash account. Members will be able to convert member rewards to cash or Class B units. Member will be able to manage different account balances. More information will be provided once additional coding is completed.



FJ World Inc 

February 27, 20120

Hello everyone, 

Please be advised that a Mass Payment has been completed. The payment was to buyback Class A Units. The buying back of Class B Units will be delayed until I complete some site activity analysis. For example, many members have created an account, they were active and earn some rewards but now they are inactive based on our terms of service.

Expect to see more information coming as per member activity expectation. Our program serves different member types so I will provide more detail as per what defines an active member.  



FJ World Inc 

February 14, 20120

Hello everyone, 

Please be advised that a new condition has been added to our Monthly Surfer Award program.

5. You must surf a minimum of 5000 pages for the month to receive a monthly award. Effective: February 14, 2020



FJ World Inc 

January 22, 20120

Hello everyone, 

Today I would like to give you an update to what has been keeping me busy. In the last few months I have been exploring the use of Facebook within my online organization. FJ World Inc now has a facebook page. I spent a lot of hours in coming up with a plan to how I could best use facebook as part of our Revenue Sharing Program. A challenge to me was how to best fit online activity with offline activities that include personal, family and community values. I have made the decision to share enough information that would demonstrate a consistent behaviour founded on good health for ones mind and body. So I invite you to review my facebook profile page as well as my company page. Reviewing my timeline is a great way to catch up. So please invite me as your friend if your interested in participating in a unique journey.

On ePayTraffic, I have just updated our valuation for Class A Units and I will be doing the same for Class B Units. Last week I had a PC crash and I am still recovering to get back to a normal routine. Luckily I maintain backups but it was a great reminder to review my current digital asset management plan. Because I have not been as active on ePayTraffic and some other traffic sites, I have noticed a decline in the overall traffic from our registered members. I expect this to change in the next few weeks. When we schedule a routine and implement ways to evaluate the effectiveness of tasks we become more aware of real value. This is where I am currently, concentrating on tasks that are good for me regardless if they are personal, business or pleasure.  So have a look at your own daily routine and see if their are changes that you can make to help you achieve a more balanced and healthy lifestyle. Stay in touch and I will continue to share along our journey.



FJ World Inc 

November 20, 2019 

Hello everyone, 

Please be advised that our Revenue Sharing Portfolio value is bouncing back from recent lows. That means I will have an opportunity to liquidate some holding to buyback units from members. There will be some re-distribution of holding to ensure long term goals are achieved and to address some short term operational needs.



FJ World Inc 

November 13, 2019 

Hello everyone, 

Please be advised that today, I have sent a Paypal mass payment to buy back some units from members.



FJ World Inc 

October 5, 2019 

Hello everyone, 

I invite you to checkout our latest project on ePayTraffic. This is a totally different way to learn and earn in our very popular TE community. You can pass judgement today and sit on the sideline or you can be an early bird to something that is evolving. This project is about working together. It will include demonstrations of doing things differently. Everyone will have an opportunity to more signups from various programs. This is possible because we always learn before we earn. Unfortunately, some people refuse to change and some people are just ...I don't know.

You tell me after you read something that happened to me when I learnt more about CTP, Jon and Blain.

You see I was banned from the CTP Telegram chat room. When it comes to learning I work hard at it. So when someone gives me an opportunity to expand my knowledge I will ask the tough questions that many people will not. This is not new. I have been doing it as far as I can remember around 5 years old. I invite you to join the CTP chat room and read the facts for yourself. Be open and you will get to know me better. I do not want anyone to think I am someone I am not..just because they were mislead by someone with a motive. BTW, I am not stupid enough to say anything I cannot back up with facts. 

This incident is just another example of inherent lack of knowledge of business. I have reached out to get the ban removed and I have reached out for payment I was told would come last Sunday. I am still waiting for a reply. BE CAREFUL OUT THERE. If you ever need help in asking any tough questions about any products and services...reach out to me. There is nothing more powerful in the universe than sharing and working together. And when you have a relationship built on honesty and trust your confidence level goes up and scammers, BSers get nervous.

BTW Please read the following wikipedia on Revenue Sharing. I , the founder of FJ World Inc and creator of a proprietary Revenue Sharing Model is well aware of the many aspects of compensation plans in the internet marketing world. I am very good at assessing strength and weakness in  programs, including my own. So I ask, that you do not judge me and my program based on ignorance.

Learn before you earn,



FJ World Inc 

September 30, 2019 

Hello everyone,

I hope your past week has been joyful. I know the last two days were energizing for me. Everyone needs to book some time in a happy place to give their mind and body the rest needed so they can always be in the best setting to continue with personal development. I am fortunate to be able to escape to a little camp on a little lake. A happy place doesn't have to be a camp on a lake. My best advice to my readers, make sure you have a happy place to go to whenever you feel your workload is getting to be too much. By the way, your happy place must be offline and not just doing something different online.

Today is the last day for members competing for the monthly surfing challenge at ePayTraffic . The end of the month is also a time to review progress with short term goals. How well you do with all your short term goals will greatly influence your long term goals. Now that I am using Google Suite Apps more often I am able to better manage my day to day operations. Stay connected with me and I will continue to demonstrate how to take advantage of the revenue sharing program I am offering. You see my online earning program is all about learning and using the right tools the right way . I don't have to look very hard to see many people investing time and money in a wasteful way. Maybe they are very happy with their results but just imagine if they were able to do things more effectively.

Looking ahead for the next week or two, I will be updating some of my back office system. For example, newer version of some framework modules for our trading system. This will lead to more functionality and reports for members. You should notice an increase in collaborative advertising. That means more signups for ePayTraffic so make sure you take advantage of our collaborative advertising service. Pay attention to a possible opportunity for VTG players. The last couple of weeks, as a participating site owner, I have spend a lot of time re-evaluating the full value of the VTG Surfing League competitions. My current subscription ends on October 13, 2019 and VTG owner is no longer accepting PayPal. They do accept Uphold, which is now a payment option available for FJ World Inc, so I should be able to continue. In any case, look for another unique opportunity, maybe a One Time Offer (OTO) to come from ePayTraffic revenue sharing program.

Thank you all for taking the time to read and take our income generating journey. Don't forget to visit and say hello on our IncomeProClub Hangout.


September 22, 2019 

Hello everyone,

Today I was asked a good question about commission and getting paid. Please read on while I explain;

ePayTraffic is one component of our revenue sharing program. The site is a customized version of the popular LFMTE script. The traffic exchange script has limitations and in some aspect encourages a certain type of behaviour and expectation that is not favorable when it comes to member commission and affiliate earnings. If these vanilla scripts are not used in a way that promote best business practices, it can unnecessarily increase risks in many ways. At ePayTraffic the only money owed to members is by way of debt which is in the form of units. If you have units in your account then FJ World Inc is obliged to cancel this debt by buying back your units. Typically on traffic exchanges, member accounts get suspended because of inactivity. This is defined in our terms of services. However, even if you cannot log into your ePayTraffic account via access to the LFMTE functionality you can still log into our trading section of the site. There you can see in your dashboard what is owed to you. Your account suspension and deletion means you can lose the commission portion but not your units. As long as you have a valid paypal email address indicated in your account, you will be paid using that address. As mentioned before, we are adding new payment processing option. For example, we can now accept and send money using Uphold. More on this later.

Understanding commission in your account and how you may be able to use it. Our revenue sharing business model does not recognize a one to one relationship between commission and a debt obligation to members. The word commission is used to track the incentives and opportunities provided to members. These incentives and opportunities can get converted to units and/or used on our site. As our trading system evolves you will have access to use your commission amounts in various ways. In other word, the goal is for you to be able to buy and trade services using your commission amount and never have to bother with unit conversion. In fact, you will not need to have any payment processor. You don't have to spend any money to have access to our services. You can use the site, take advantage of offers and opportunities and use your earnings to buy and sell on the site. So please keep this in mind. You are part of a journey. Don't get caught up on the destination, for example getting paid as soon as you see commission earned. The real value is in all the processes that support our journey to a more pleasant and rewarding online lifestyle.


September 20, 2019 

You Got Paid!

Today a mass payment was sent to buy back units from members. If you did not get paid today and you have some units that are awaiting payments, you will have to wait for the next buy back job to run. Please do not hesitate to contact support if you have any questions or you need help to better understand our payment policy. 


September 18, 2019 


Today I posted in our club chat room about a new revenue sharing service that is unfolding. Those who follow and participate in our club hangout are usually the first to find out about changes. Make some time to review the chat log and learn about a new service offered at rock bottom pricing.


September 14, 2019 

Hello everyone,

First, let me apologize for not updating this page sooner. I am currently getting more familiar with using Google Suite to organize the many activities I do in managing my online business. To make things more challenging I have had to deal with several offline activities that have pulled me away from my online commitments. Starting today you will see more updates on this news page. In addition to answering AskAdmin submission I have been posting on our Google Hangout. I also provide skype support and I contribute to a few skype support groups. Recently I started exploring Facebook and a few other social media platforms. All these activities have taken a lot of time and unfortunately caused a backlog related to ePayTraffic operational tasks. This pass week and going forward my work will be managed using Google Suite and complemented with tools I have created specific to our revenue sharing program.

Now that you know I have not disappeared I want you to know that within a week I will be sending a mass payment via Paypal. I also need to complete a lot of surfing on various TE sites, including VTG so say hello if you see me in your travel. In the last few week I have spent a lot of time reviewing the various income streams that support our revenue sharing program. Third party risks are still too high so I am having to implement measures to balance various cash flows related to operating ePayTraffic. 


July 7, 2019 

Hello everyone,

The other day I had someone post their disappointment in our club hangout.  That is not a problem as long as one is polite and not disrespectful to others. Going forward I will post a reminder  in our chat room to address this concern.

Also, I want everyone to understand that it takes time to fully appreciate and accept our program. You have to keep it simple and be patient. The following are important points to keep in mind.

- You are not an employee. 

- You are not hired to do anything.

- You have to look at it as an opportunity to advertise and promote your own program. 

- You are provided with methods and guidance to help grow your business. 

- You receive generous incentive for being active and loyal. 

- You are provided with cash incentives when you bring in paying members. 

- The amount of money you earn is managed within our revenue sharing portfolios.

- You only get paid when FJ buys back your units.

- Units can take a year or more before they can be bought back.

- The Units page is where you see your units and you can request a buyback.

I am continuously improving our program so it is easier to get paid more often. Improvements take time and you should be seeing that I am committed to succeeding. I hope this helps everyone feel more comfortable in being a part of a successful program designed to be around for many years.


Please take note of the following message. It will be posted in our club hangout as a reminder to recognize and respect our policy on business transparency.

Welcome to IncomeProcClub Hangout
Our hangout is open to the public and very focused in providing live support for all activities related to FJ World Inc. Please do not abuse this chat room by being unprofessional and disrespectful. By using Google services, FJ World Inc is able to deliver the best possible support to its clients. Please keep in mind that what you post is public and traceable to you. 
Thank you for your respect,FJ

June 21, 2019

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all having a great day. Today is a great day for ePayTraffic members.

A new set of bonuses are now attached to existing membership upgrades. Have a look in your account and you will see the following.

Current Upgrade Options and Bonuses

Thank you everyone for your continued loyalty. There are many more goodies coming our way. I have been busy making changes to the site so if you come across anything that does not look correct, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Now it's time to get ready for a weekend at the cottage. 

Take care everyone.


June 18, 2019

Today a MassPayment via PayPal was completed. Once again members got paid from our buyback process which delivered the member principle earnings plus an annualized yield of 20% or more.  

May 27, 2019

Hello ePayTraffic members and welcome  to our visiting public.


First let me apologize to our members for any delay in updating our website as well as some of your purchase transactions.  Some default settings from our underlying script indicated that a purchase was automatically updated. That is not true for any unit transactions. I will be updating the message and I should get caught up with some manual data entry in the next day or so. 


One thing that you will learn from working with me is that I may be slow to get things done but I eventually do and it is all governed by priorities of the day. When you’re a one of staff you have to wear many hats and unfortunately accept that you lose business when you cannot respond as quickly as possible at all time to meet every possible expectation.


Thank you for you understand in this matter, I will make a point of posting more often in this Hangout.  This way you will get to know me better so we can build trust going forward. For now, I want to do some yardwork so do take care and I welcome your feedback.



April 27, 2019

Hello everyone,

I invite you to review some of our past accomplishments, changes and future plan for our club and our revenue sharing program. But first, I will address a fundamental requirement we all need to understand so we can succeed with our online business.


Communication - For communication to work well and be effective, it must occur within context that is shared by all participants. When you read content on this site it is relevant to everyone that is taking the time to learn before they earn. This site, was created by registering a domain name and pointing it to a Google Suite account. This allows the ability to easily publish content from any devices and from any location in the world.  Doing so demonstrates transparency and just as important it creates a traceable flow of information and greatly eliminates waste and reduces re-work. I can go on because the list of benefits is long. Whenever you encounter content on this site that requires you to authenticate your identity, be assured it is done in a matter that is most secured. Every effort is made to provide as much free information as possible to get you more interested in services from FJ World Inc. When you become a registered member of ePayTraffic you get access to more free information to guide you in our member level program. At that point the communication context changes and you start to learn about upgraded services. Everything is structured so when something is not right it is easy to follow the flow of information required to solve any issues. This is all part of establishing expectations. 


We use Google Hangout for Live Support. This is like the front door of our communication process. If you ever need help with something or you want to chat, check out our Club Hangout.


For now, let me review what I have already published in previous news releases and then I can give you a quick status update.


This site was started in March 2018 as a result of an incident with a partner forum. There was a lesson learned and I had to take action. Lesson Learned? Be more careful when you place your business at risk because of a third party relationship. Like I am stating the obvious, right? The truth is, all online income earners must learn to mitigate the risks of partnering. This can include many relationships you have with various aspects of your business. And in particular, revenue streams that are created as a result of a third party relationship. So when you’re a member of a site/program and that site disappears, you have to take action and implement changes to avoid similar incidents in the future.


In April 2018, there was a focus to introduce our Trading System, a Member Quality Scorecard (MQS) and evaluation of digital currency. I did evaluate the use of digital currency and the decision made is to postpone any use of a digital wallet indefinitely. No additional action has been taken on implementing MQS. This will likely not be address for at least another month. The trading system, site components are being introduced gradually. A lot of design and back office work has been done so you will start to see more changes in the front end of the system. The scope of the trading system needed to expand to resolve some concerns with the integration of LFMTE script used by ePayTraffic.


September 2018, our revenue sharing units were split into Class A and Class B Units. Class A valuation is based on speculative activities while Class B reflects an operational value from ePayTraffic activities. The work required to get to the valuations of these units depends on a lot of manual activities. As part of the ongoing implementation of our trading system, many activities will be automated so the published unit valuation will be more current. Also started in September 2018 was an initiative to evaluate as many traffic exchange sites as possible to ensure a full understanding of the marketplace. A lot was learned and several steps have been taken to isolate the areas of opportunity that will deliver the best overall return for our revenue sharing program. The initiative included the formation of our Team Building Process (TBP) that involved several popular traffic exchanges sites. The TBP work will be pushed back at least another month depending on the current priorities.  

Since October 2018, there has been many activities that have negatively impacted our program. This is reflected in the decline in value of our revenue sharing units. The Class A units declined because of lower investment returns and the Class B units declined because of lower sales. Sales reduced because some members lost their Paypal account. Action has already been taken to try and manage additional declines and more action will be taken to help reverse this trend line. Our member loyalty program offers will remain but some changes will be taken to address payment processing fees. 


Recently FJ World Inc successfully completed a compliance review requested by Paypal. I am pleased to informed you that Paypal remains as a favorable payment processor for our business. Also, FJ World Inc has been approved for a business account with TransferWise. This may be an option for members that cannot use Paypal. Expect to see more information coming about using TransferWise as well as the possibility of using a credit card via our merchant banking account. FJ World Inc can also accept eTransfers from most Canadian banks. These are just some changes made to secure a reliable payment process for years to come.


This past week, SSL was added to ePayTraffic. This means you can now access ePayTraffic site via an encrypted connection using the HTTPS protocol. The usual less secured HTTP access will remain available while we complete the full transition to HTTPS for all  aspects of our program. As part of this process, members will be introduced to new policies dealing with getting to know your customers and dealing with the protection of personally identifiable information.


These recent changes has caused me to re-evaluate the amount of time and effort spent on many traffic exchanges. Going forward, there will be more effort placed on products and services created or administered by FJ World Inc and less effort placed on promoting third party relationships.


I think this news release is long enough for today. Thanks again for taking the time to read this message and I invite you to become a member of ePayTraffic so we can work together for a mutual benefit.


Jacques (Jack) Arseneault


FJ World Inc

November 15, 2018

Hello everyone, 


I am currently evaluating Orbital Traffic. If you want me as your upline, please do the following.


Either post in our club hangout or contact me via private chat with your referral link. Before you do, expect to be able to share your experience and knowledge about Orbital Traffic. 


As you should know by now, FJ World Inc will often upgrade on valuable sites. Do you remember that all online revenue generated by FJ World Inc is put into our revenue sharing program? For this reason, there is a set of criteria that FJ World Inc will use in selecting the referral link of choice. This includes incentives and/or mutual benefits that contributes to our program in a positive way. If your link is not selected this time you would still have gained something from participating in this evolving process. I know I am gaining knowledge every day about making money online and in doing so I am creating an environment that is much more conducive to generating income for all members of our revenue sharing program.


 I know, I know, generating an online income is a slow process but keep in mind that we are on a journey. That journey is guided by our program policy statement displayed on every pages of ePayTraffic; "Boosting online earnings by learning and working more effectively." 


Thanks again to all active and loyal members and especially to those that continue to purchase a service from FJ World Inc. More services are planned but my current priority is to continue with some greatly needed back office improvements that will reduce my workload and improve your existing services.  


Now that I have collected sufficient data for a cost analysis of existing membership levels,  I will be introducing some changes for free members. Since the core value of our program is to help members progress to a higher membership level, it is imperative to the success of the program to minimize the cost of serving a non-paying member.  No need for free members to be overly concern, the change is required to balance the operating cost across all membership types. There would never be any conditions added that would change our existing payment process. Likely what will happen, is a free member will be given another opportunity to upgrade their service or accept a reduced level of service.


I do welcome any and all feedback and suggestions.

 To our success,


October 16, 2018 - Okay, time to let you in on something that is changing the world. As if you don't already know, right? Pick a science and a technology that will deliver huge economic benefit to the world. Take a guess, if you could pick 2, what would they be?  Hint: If you own ePayTraffic Units and you have chatted in our club hangout with FJ, you probably have known for some time. I believe the world is offering us all a huge opportunity to work in or invest in Plant Science and Blockchain Technology. Those in the know today are well positioned for a wild ride to heights never seen before. When I say plant science I am referring specifically to what is happening in the world of cannabis research and production. I am well informed about cannabis because it has change my life in a positive way that I had not even imagined.  I am a bit of a health nut so my primary interest in cannabis if for health and wellness. Now for block chain technology, I am referring to companies that are building frameworks and transaction processing models to serve all digital transactions in the world. I am not talking about virtual value of a specific digital coin. Now imagine taking a position in an incubator company that seamlessly combines cannabis transactions using block chain technology.  This is what is happening in Canada. In a few hours, cannabis will be legal across Canada and there will be many, many more online transactions. That is today's news. Tomorrows news is unknown but our revenue sharing units will be used as a reference point. Again, members who follow our unit trend line as well as the valuable content in our club hangout already know that some recent profit was made. Be prepared for more price fluctuations. 

Very Important: Be active on ePayTraffic by at least checking your account to see if your units have increased by 20% and triggered a buyback event.  That is a member responsibility. FJ World Inc is responsible to providing you an opportunity to make some easy money. 

Very Very Important: FJ World Inc has the option to buyback your units anytime as long as the 20% has triggered the buyback event. 

Thanks again to all active members. In particular to members that do spend money. There is nothing complicated about our revenue sharing program. It's just different. Seriously, look at what we all do. We join programs, we spend money, that creates commission for a member and that member waits to get paid. FJ sees the world differently so a company was created, that company joins programs, the company maintains sufficient investment capital to buy great deals on preferred sites, the company gets commission from referral purchases and waits to get paid at which time it is added to the revenue sharing portfolio.  I think that is enough for now since I have to go convert some commission to units.

Take care everyone and do not hesitate to contact me if you need some guidance. I find it energizing when I help someone. I know, I know...a bit selfish. :-)


FJ World Inc  

September 26, 2018 - Hello all active surfers of TE's. Please take note that I am creating surfing teams on some very popular TE's . The team name on these exchanges is called ePayTraffic. In addition to winning awards for being a top team on these exchanges, ePayTraffic is creating a new offer to reward all active ePayTraffic members participating in the team surfing challenges..   

Our Goal - Generate multiple streams of income that will be used to boost the growth of Class B Units.

How -  Create an opportunity for anyone to join the participating sites using a referral link that contributes to the overall value of ePayTraffic Revenue Sharing Program.

Participating Sites





TE Search

Using the above links to join a participating site should indicate that FJ WorldInc or fjworld as your referrer. Sites will be added and removed based on the project success.

I will be publishing rules, conditions and expectations of a team member but at this time I want to give some close followers of our revenue sharing program an opportunity to plan any action they may want to take.


Look for PromoSlice Offer



FJ World Inc

September 22, 2018

Hello everyone,


It has been a while since I have been able to publish some news. The main reason being; business workload is increasing and many manual tasks need to be automated. On a subsequent news release I will cover more details about the future of our revenue sharing program. Today I need to update you on the current status.


Effectively immediately, our revenue sharing portfolio is made up of Class A Units and Class B Units.


Class A Units - The value of these units is based on the market value of shares held in publicly traded companies. In March 2016 we started with $500.00 and the unit value was pegged at par value of one dollar. Today our investment portfolio exceeds $16,000.00 and the unit value is $2.88


Class B Units - The value of these units is based on the Balance Sheet of ePayTraffic project. The value of these units reflect the current activity and growth potential of ePayTraffic. The model valuation looks at all the assets, receivables, site investments, Intellectual Property, liabilities  and so on. Today these units are valued at $1.64


I am truly happy with all members that have been very patient, loyal and trusting while we build a long term relationship. From the very beginning of my online activity, many, many years ago I have always believed the internet would be the ultimate source of income for anyone in the world. No matter how I looked at the net I only saw opportunity knowing that the risk and reward ratio could be extremely profitable. Having many years' experience, and surviving a few Boom-Bust periods in the stock market trading world I feel comfortable in saying I am knowledgeable in calculating risk reward opportunities.


ePayTraffic is my entry point into a huge manual traffic exchange market of people willing to take a risk so they can generate an income.  By working together we will demonstrate how to make money for all members. I don't mean just making money but generating a profit that can be used to grow future earnings.  


Our future success will depend on member activity. Member activity is constantly monitored. You only have to visit our performance page and see who is active. 


Thanks again everyone and if at any time you need me you only have to post in our Club Hangout.



FJ World Inc

April 12, 2018 - Hello members. Are you astute? You may have noticed the new Trade feature on ePayTraffic. Well its been a crawl but we are still moving in the right direction. When your a one-off you tend to wear many hats and play many roles. That aside, I want to give you a heads-up that our Member Quality Scorecard (MQS) database will start to populate with your site activity data. Some of you founding members may remember the incentives offered via MQS. Initially the focus will be on making sure the background process is working and you earn MQS points. Beware! You can also lose MQS points. Just know that your MQS points is much more than a loyalty program. It will represent your perceived quality within the ePayTraffic online ecosystem. I am not saying anymore for now.

New Business - I am currently exploring the use of digital currency for my business. Initially I will implement a wallet functionality that will be integrated within the existing ePayTraffic marketplace. So you would be able to add funds to your Paypal, Payza and Digital wallets. These funds would be used for trading products/services within the new trading system. If you have expertise in this area you may contact me for a chat.

March 21, 2018 - marks the beginning of a new set of tools for members on ePayTraffic. The last few weeks have been a challenge in many regards but progress continued in a journey to long term growth. FJ World Inc has subscribed to G Suite to enable new collaborative advertising, relationship building and much more.

Please be aware there will be some updating of content on ePayTraffic while content is moved from our partner forum to IncomeProClub.