Getting Started
Welcome and Thank You for visiting. This is where you learn how to use the products and services offered by FJ World Inc. Our guides cover detailed explanations on how to use many products and services built and designed to support many online income earners. Do visit frequently and you will experience a living process that will guide you step by step as you progress along a profitable journey. The guides are presented to meet the needs of many and yet structured to allow each reader to pick and choose a path that exceeds individual expectations.
Step 1 - Know Your Provider
The best way to avoid a failure online is no different than what you should do when you seek a product or service offline. That is, do your homework ! All you need to do in this step is to get familiar with FJ World Inc. Go ahead and open your browser to search the internet and enter FJ World Inc. You will find the corporate website and you should notice fjworld and FJ branded throughout the internet. You should not have any trouble identifying your provider. You can reach your provider via twitter name fjworld, skype name is fjworld2 and across many membership sites you can find fjworld as a username. So get to know FJ and you will know your provider. "Since 2002 when I got started with my online business I have seen countless number of failures." When you experience a failure it is wise to take note of a lesson learned. That is what FJ does and the lesson learned is shared with customers, clients and interested followers.
Step 2 - Review ePayTraffic
Having completed step one you should have noticed a link to the website that is built based on a revenue sharing model designed by FJ. The goal is to get you to become a member of ePayTraffic. Before you complete the new member registration you need to do some reading. So go to the site and if you are already a member make sure you are not currently logged into your account. It is important that you review the site as presented to all visitors. This is not the guide to follow for a registered member. Think of this as a 20,000 foot view of what ePayTraffic has to offer. The more you understand as a visitor the easier it will be to maximize the benefits of being a member. I have made the same mistake as many newbies. That is joining a site prematurely. What's worst, I have joined some sites from friends, associates and from chatting with members promoting sites only to learn it was a waste of time and in some cases a waste of money. Lesson learned, if you do not have time to learn before you earn then you have to accept failures. Too often people will have a FOMO attack. FOMO, you may have heard of it before means Fear of Missing Out. If you must join quickly then you should at least be guided by a leader that is a Subject Matter Expert (SME).
Before we get too far into our site review, take a look at the banner ad below.
First, mouseover the image and note the destination link in the status bar of your browser. The link is a Google Suite site url used for tracking purposes. You will learn more about this later. For now, I want you to notice the link redirects you to ePayTraffic. This allows tracking of your advertising so you can get the most from your online efforts. Once the redirect completes your destination will be
Now click the signup menu link on the left side of the page.
You will be presented with the member registration page. Look at the bottom and see the identified referrer.
When someone registers an account using the above mentioned referral link, that member will be added to the downline of the member account called IncomePro Club. This is very important when building your own downline. So when your ready to recruit, make sure the new member is signing up using your own referral link. More on this later. No need to register an account yet because you have some reading to do to get familiar with our Revenue Sharing program.
After you have spent some time to read everything and I mean everything on the site you should be ready to register an account. If your not sure about something you read I suggest you chat with the person that referred you or contact FJ. Never assume the site is the same as what you have seen before because it is not. The only common denominator with other traffic exchange sites is the licensed LFMTE script core components. ePayTraffic is highly customized and specifically configured to align with our revenue sharing model. For example, if you click the Trade link you will have access to many more features that do not exist within other LFMTE sites.
Key Points of ePayTraffic Review
The site is own by a For Profit Corporation. Every effort is made to have FJ World Inc operate indefinitely. It all starts with one person with a vision and passion to build a company that not only employs people but serves customers for many lifetimes.
Continuous Improvement (CI) processes are built into a corporate governance system of policies, rules and best practices you expect to find with companies that implement a quality management system.
No secrets, no hype, no bullshit and lots of transparency.
A Member Loyalty Program that offers many incentives and opportunities for members to build a long lasting and trusting relationship.
Free access to a professional and well educated leader to guide you through good times as well as difficult times.
Continuous Improvements
The following items have been identified as key points of interest for improving our revenue sharing program.
Provide more options for purchasing and receiving. Our primary payment processor is Papal. The plan is to implement a trading account system that will allow funding an account from different payment processing sources. This would include buying using earned income. Also, the block chain and token technology is rapidly changing and it is quite possible that ePayTraffic could support a token exchange program.
Reduce the time to convert earnings into units. Because of the complexity and proprietary aspect of our revenue sharing model the conversion must be done by FJ. The plan is to build an advanced interface across several application to reduce the number of manual entries. This will be done using a modular method so improvements will be noticed in an incremental way.
Increase the unit buyback frequency. Because of many uncontrollable events in the marketplace and the primary objective to generate a profit, risk mitigation can take a year or more. The plan is to build a fund that can be used to better manage the liquidity of the revenue sharing portfolio. Also, depending on the success of item one above, some form of escrow service will be investigated.
Step 3 - Relationship Building
By now if you have done a good job completing steps 1 and 2 you have reached a decision point. That decision may be something like; "How can I use a site like ePayTraffic (EPT)?" Think Commerce. Buying, Selling and Relationship Building.
Buying, Selling and Relationship building. Have a look at at our Traffic Exchange page for specific guides to help you make connections with people all over the world.. Our Traffic Exchange page is designed to make it easy to find, compare and share a large number of websites all based on the most popular manual traffic exchange script in the world today. FJWI has invested money and time, lots of time to expand a knowledge base with a very specific goal of generating multiple streams of income from daily online activities. In doing so, FJ is now able to share many methods, techniques, processes, tools and data all designed to meet the needs of people with a wide range of interest. This is where you learn about various compensation plans and models that in some way exchanges some of your time for some act of kindness and/or reward. Many of the links are designed in a way that facilitates regular visits to various sites. For examples, FJ is continuously looking at ways to use a database, spreadsheet and other online tools to be most effective in managing an online business. So follow our Traffic Exchange guide to enter a world of buying, selling and relationship building. You have now completed your third and final step of this guide. That was three steps to getting to know your online provider.