What is SHARK-NIR?

SHARK-NIR is a near-infrared (0.96 μm to 1.7 μm) instrument proposed for the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) in the framework of the “2014 Call for Proposals for Instrument Upgrades and New Instrument" (Farinato et al. 2014).

Once installed on the left side of the central Gregorian focal station of the LBT, coupled with its visible counterpart SHARK-VIS (on the right side), it will enable to exploit unique challenging science, including exoplanet and extragalactic science cases. SHARK will provide simultaneous spectral coverage from B to H band, taking advantage of the outstanding performance of LBT binocular Extreme Adaptive Optics (XAO) capability. The XAO features two Adaptive Secondary Mirrors (ASM) and pyramid wavefront sensors. Moreover, the SOUL upgrade will allow to reach unprecedent sensitivity in the faint-end regime.

INAF-Padua is the lead institution of a consortium formed by other INAF Observatories, such as Rome, Arcetri, Milan, Trieste, Brera, Catania, Palermo and Turin. The collaboration also includes the Steward Observatory (SO) of Tucson, University of Arizona (USA), The Max Planck Institut fur Astronomie (MPIA) of Heidelberg (Germany) and the Institut de Planétologie et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble (IPAG), in France.

The project is now in the AIV phase at the clean room of the Padova Observatory, where the optical and mechanical components are being integrated on the SHARK-NIR optical bench and the final performance of the instrument's coronagraphy subsystem is being tested. Its first light is foreseen in early 2023.

SHARK-NIR is an extreme-AO equipped system (nominal Strehl SR > 98% in all bands) with imaging and spectroscopic capabilities that will be observing the NIR regime, covering the wavelength range from 0.96 to 1.7 microns. 

The field-of-view is 18” x 18” with a pixel scale of 14.5 mas/pixel. Observing modes include classical imaging w/o coronagraphic mode (with Gaussian, Shaped pupil, and FQPM coronagraphic masks), dual-band imaging (thanks to a Wollaston prism), and long slit coronagraphic spectroscopy (with resolutions of R=100 and R=700 over the whole wavelength range). The performances are expected to reach contrasts down to 10^-5/^-6 at 300-500 mas, in order to accomplish the main scientific requirements.

The main science cases will cover exoplanet detection and characterisation (extrasolar giant planets on wide orbits), circumstellar discs and jets around young stars, solar system objects, evolved stars, AGN and QSOs.

The main SHARK-NIR Specification:

Recap of main SHARK-NIR Specifications

Optical layout of SHARK-NIR (top view of the optical bench). The light beam enters the instrument on the left side of the figure.
The opto-mechanical concept of the SHARK-NIR optical bench.
The opto-mechanical concept of the SHARK-NIR optical bench + the cryostat.

FROM CAD TO REALITY: The optical bench fully populated and aligned.


Coronagraphs on SHARK-NIR

SHARK-NIR is equipped for the coronagraphic subsystem with 3 Shaped Pupil masks, a Gaussian Lyot coronagraph and a Four-Quadrant Phase Mask.

As suggested by its name, the Shaped Pupil (SP) technique consists in re-shaping the telescope pupil so to generate dark areas in the focal plane via destructive interference. Strictly speaking, “shaping'' here means constraining transmission to be either 0 or 1 across the pupil. 

In principle, the only binary mask is sufficient to create high contrast. However, there are two main drawbacks: first, the shaped PSF features a bright central core, which may easily saturate the detector. The second important drawback is stray light. 

In order to mitigate these effects, we can exploit SHARK-NIR intermediate focal plane to put a hard edge occulter that masks the PSF core. A Lyot stop in the second intermediate pupil plane then blocks the residual light diffracted by the occulter, as in the classical Lyot configuration. The three-plane configuration also allows to go deeper in contrast with respect to the apodizer-only configuration.

In a Gaussian Lyot coronagraph, the electric field amplitude in the focal plane is spatially modulated according to a Gaussian transmission profile. Continuous (greyscale) transmission profiles cannot be accurately reproduced with standard metal deposition methods in the NIR. For this reason, we decided to approximate the Gaussian profile using microdots, a technique named halftoning. Halftoning requires the theoretical Gaussian grayscale profile to be first converted to binary (only 0 and 1 transmission). To do so, we used a standard error-diffusion algorithm.

The Four-Quadrant Phase-Mask (FQPM) coronagraph suppresses on-axis starlight by means of a phase mask in the focal plane. The mask divides the FP into four quadrants and induces a π phase shift on two of them on one diagonal. Provided that the image of the star is perfectly centered on the common vertex of the quadrants, then the four outcoming beams combine destructively at infinity and the stellar light in the downstream pupil plane is totally rejected outside of the pupil area. This light is then easily blocked by means of a Lyot stop. 

MIRRORS GLUING (3 Flat Mirror and 4 Off-Axis Parabola)

It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it!

The gluing procedure is in 5 steps:


Inside the Clean Room

The whole AIV phase of SHARK-NIR will take place in a controlled environment, inside a clean room class ISO5 to prevent the contamination of the optics from dust and particles.

This because being SHARK-NIR fundamentally a coronagraphic camera, it is severely impacted by the dust-scattered light.

The SHARK-NIR optical bench, initially empty, is hold by a dedicated handling in order to have the surface of the bench positioned perpendicular to the gravity vector and with the rotation axis at ~ 1 m above the ground.

Two alignment beams are foreseen. These are:

These two beams are of course co-aligned, following the procedure described in RD2, and it is possible to switch from one beam to the other by means of a motorized linear stage, which inserts a flat mirror in the beam. The insertion of the mirror in the optical path inject the light from the laser into SHARK-NIR, while removing the mirror we have the interferometer light entering into SHARK-NIR.

The whole alignment procedure is based on a mechanical/optical approach, meaning that as a first step we will mechanically pre-align all the optics to a mechanical reference representing the on-axis entrance focal plane of SHARK-NIR. This mechanical reference is a sphere, positioned and aligned by the SHARK-NIR mechanics manufacturer, whose center lies on the bearing rotation axis.

The mechanical alignment is based on the use of a Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) Space Plus 1800 from Tomelleri Engineering and rely on adjusting the position of the optics with respect to the sphere till reaching the nominal configuration.

Other optical and mechanical components

SHARK-NIR .. travel preparations!

Box #1: SHARK-NIR family portrait 

From bottom left: Jacopo Farinato, Gabriele Umbriaco, Daniele Vassallo, Davide Ricci, Elena Carolo, Fulvio Laudisio, Valentina Viotto, Maria Bergomi, Luca Marafatto, Simone Di Filippo, Davide Greggio and Marco Dima.  

Checking the movement of the internal motors of SHARK-NIR. 

After re-wiring the instrument in the clean tent, the correct operation of the motorized part inside the instrument was checked. 

Each filter and coronagraphic masks wheel, the motors insert the internal calibration fibers, the mirror deployer for the flat field source and the deployer of the pupil lens work correctly.

SHARK-NIR arrived in Mount Graham: Pre Commissioning phase

Pre-Com-1 (June 26th - July 12th, 2022)

SHARK-NIR arrived at the main bay of the LBT Observatory, then moved into the clean room, in the clean tent. 

At the end of the Pre-Com-1 the instrument was parked outside the clean room. 

SHARK-NIR team on the mountain: Jacopo Farinato, Luca Marafatto, Maria Bergomi, Elena Carolo, Simone Di Filippo, Marco Dima, Davide Greggio, Davide Ricci, Gabriele Umbriaco, Daniele Vassallo.

SHARK-NIR ready to be moved to the clean room

SciCam installation in the clean room

Instrument internal cleaning

Instrument tested and parked .. ready for the next pre-com run!

Pre-Com-2 (October 2nd - October 19th, 2022)

SHARK-NIR installation at the telescope

SHARK-NIR team on the mountain: Jacopo Farinato, Luca Marafatto, Marco Dima, Davide Greggio, Luigi Lessio, Davide Ricci, Gabriele Rodeghiero.

SHARK NIR bench: towards the telescope .. and beyond!

SciCam is going to be connected to the bench already mounted on the telescope

Pre-Com-3 (November 9th - November 24th, 2022)

SHARK-NIR operations pre on-sky

SHARK-NIR team on the mountain: Jacopo Farinato, Luca Marafatto, Elena Carolo, Daniele Vassallo.

SHARKNIR deployable arm and LBTI WFS (naked)

A. Cavallaro photo

SHARKNIR TT mirror after re-machining

Luca with the LBT operators are checking the retro-reflector source  

SHARK-NIR on-sky: Commissioning phase

Com-1 (January 6th - 11th, 2023)

SHARK-NIR team on the mountain: Jacopo Farinato, Luca Marafatto, Elena Carolo, Valentina D'Orazi, Dino Mesa, Davide Ricci, Daniele Vassallo.

Remote team (after dome opening): Maria Bergomi, Simone Di Filippo, Davide Greggio, Fulvio Laudisio, Kalyan Radhakrishnan, Gabriele Umbriaco, Valentina Viotto

Jan 11, 2023: First imaging sequence

This is in line with simulations performed with similar parameters.

Com-2 (March 7th - 9th, 2023)

SHARK-NIR team on the mountain: Jacopo Farinato, Luca Marafatto, Simone Di Filippo, Davide Ricci, Daniele Vassallo, Davide Greggio.

SHARK-NIR Remote team (after dome opening): Dino Mesa, Elena Carolo, Valentina D’Orazi, Fulvio Laudisio, Alessandro Lorenzetto, Maria Bergomi.

Final image after the application of the PCA high-contrast imaging method for the star HD137392. The observation was made using the Shaped Pupil (SP1) coronagraph with a total exposure time of ~8 minutes. The total rotation angle was of 2.3 degrees. The seeing was varying between 1” and 1.5”. 

Contrast obtained from the HD137392 observation. Only the not masked area between 0.1” and 0.3” is shown here.

Self-subtraction to be evaluated in more detail. 

Com-3 (May 2nd - 5th, 2023)

SHARK-NIR team on the mountain: Jacopo Farinato, Gabriele Umbriaco, Simone Di Filippo, Davide Ricci, Daniele Vassallo, Alessandro Lorenzetto, Alexis Carlotti.

SHARK-NIR Remote team (after dome opening): Luca Marafatto, Dino Mesa, Elena Carolo, Valentina D’Orazi, Fulvio Laudisio.

Observation with SP1 of HIP56121 composed by  149 frames with an exposure time of ~20 s each. the total exposure time was of 49.7 minutes. The total rotation was of ~17 degrees. Seeing between 0.93” and 1.3”.

Contrast obtained from these data (orange lines) compared with simulated results (green lines). Solid lines do not consider self-subtraction, dashed lines do consider it. 

Astrometric calibration + Distortion map

Observation of a crowded field in order to:

Definition of the pixel scale and of the angle of the true north (TN) with the aim to correctly rotate each image with the North up and the East to the left.

Definition of the distortion map (strongly needed to perform high precision relative astrometry of possible companions).

We observed the globular cluster M13. We avoided the very center of the cluster and selected a bright member (> 12 mag in R) to allow the AO system to work correctly.

Com-4 (October 1st - 3rd, 2023)

SHARK-NIR team on the mountain: Luca Marafatto, Elena Carolo, Daniele Vassallo, Alessandro Lorenzetto, Dino Mesa, Federico Biondi.

SHARK-NIR Remote team (after dome opening): Fulvio Laudisio, Jacopo Farinato, Domenico Barbato

HD21291 is a double star with a companion at a separation  of 2.3” with a contrast (in V) of around 3 magnitudes. Slit1 + Grism.

First images in spectroscopic mode

We performed observations of HD 21291 in order to characterize the accuracy of the slit positioning. We made several tests to infer a working “Slit pointing law”: thanks to the data acquired during night 2, we managed to derive with good accuracy the offset angle to convert any position angle on sky into a derotator position.

Observation of HR 8799

We performed a 3.5h observation in CI mode with the Gaussian Lyot coronagraph. The total field rotation was of 110°. The average seeing 1.2” (at zenith), with excursions below 1”. Average TT jitter 6mas rms, but sometimes loop instability with jitter values exceeding 20 mas rms. Strong wind that incremented toward the end of the observation caused a lot of open loop of the AO. So that we had to make a selection to exclude bad frames.

The four known planets of the HR 8799 were imaged. The two external ones (‘b’ and ‘c’) were retrieved with a SNR larger than 20 while for the two internal ones (‘d’ and ‘e’) the SNR was of the order of 6. The correct orientation of the FOV was correctly obtained using the keywords of the header of each image.

HD 30649 observed with SHARK-NIR in narrow-band H filters. Left: no coronagraph, filter NB_contH. Middle: SP1 coronagraph, filter NB_H. Right: SP1 coronagraph, filter NB_contH. The companion is clearly visible.

A stellar companion at short separation detected

We used HD 30649 to verify that we are able to position accurately the slit also on different targets using the same law. 

Once verified this, we also noted an unexpected object at a separation of ~0.25” from the main star. Considering its contrast of just ~3 magnitudes in H band, it is certainly a stellar companion. 

The same object was also observed by the SHARK-VIS team.

SHARK-NIR on-sky: Early science phase

SN-ES-1 (October 24th - 29th, 2023)

SHARK-NIR team on the mountain: Luca Marafatto, Jacopo Farinato, Alessandro Lorenzetto, Daniele Vassallo, Simone Di Filippo, Fulvio Laudisio , Tania Sofia Gomes Machado.

SHARK-NIR Remote team (after dome opening): Dino Mesa, Elena Carolo, Domenico Barbato, Valentina D'Orazi, Maria Bergomi. 

MWC758 disk

The disk of MWC758 as imaged by SHARK-NIR. 

The two known spirals arms are clearly visible. It is thought that these structure are caused by the presence of a hidden low-mass companion (not visible in our image).

We performed a 80 min observation in CI mode with the Gaussian Lyot coronagraph. Data reduction was performed with 5 modes PCA technique. 

SN-ES-2 (December 23rd, 2023 - January 5th, 2024)

SHARK-NIR team on the mountain: Simone di Filippo, Paolo Cerpelloni, Tania Sofia Gomes Machado

SHARK-NIR Remote team (after dome opening): Jacopo Farinato, Domenico Barbato, Elena Carolo, Daniele Vassallo, Gabriele Umbriaco, Dino Mesa, Alessandro Lorenzetto.

SN-ES-3 (February 4th - 9th, 2024)

SHARK-NIR team on the mountain: Simone di Filippo, Paolo Cerpelloni, Tania Sofia Gomes Machado, Alessandro Lorenzetto, Dino Mesa.

SHARK-NIR Remote team (after dome opening): Domenico Barbato, Elena Carolo, Jacopo Farinato, Fulvio Laudisio, Daniele Vassallo, Maria Bergomi.

SN-ES-4 (February 18th - 23th, 2024)

SHARK-NIR team on the mountain: Simone di Filippo, Jacopo Farinato, Federico Battaini, Alessandro Lorenzetto, Domenico Barbato.

SHARK-NIR Remote team (after dome opening): Dino Mesa, Daniele Vassallo, Elena Carolo, Maria Bergomi, Luca Marafatto, Paolo Cerpelloni, Fulvio Laudisio.

Target with strong PMa signal

The external bright companion is stellar and could justify the signal. 

The inner companion is in the planetary/ BD mass range (according to the system age, TBD) and need further confirmation.