Meet the Teachers

From Mr. Vosburgh

Hello iMiddle Families,

Welcome to the exciting world of SCIENCE distance learning at iMiddle. We know that this is a very overwhelming time and we want to do our best to ease this transition as much as possible. We are designing our curriculum in a way that can be facilitated by online instruction, but can also be accomplished independently. Time has been designated throughout the week for each period, these period meet times have been set aside so that students and teachers can focus on one period at a time and not have to worry about it conflicting with another class meeting. Students will be working on science at other times independently. They will need to attend virtual meetings, communicate via email, and if needed sign up for small group help sessions. We know that these reserved period times may not fit every schedule which is why we are trying to design the lessons with support resources included so students can complete them without much help. Students needing/wanting additional help can check our calendars and attend online office hours with us.

Schedule for Distance Learning:

Your students can always access our teacher web pages, Canvas Course and calendars and they will receive communications from us through their Gmail accounts.

I will be using my calendar to post daily assignments We will be using OneNote to complete assignments and the Canvas course will allow you to submit assignments. I will also be using Zoom video conferencing to stay in contact and these links to join will be posted on each student's google calendar. Make sure you are also checking your G-mail.


San Diego State University - Biological Sciences Degree: Emphasis Zoology

San Diego State Teacher Credential Program

American College of Education- Master's Degree in Educational Technology with a Concentration in Digital Learning and Teaching

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