Services & Classroom Locations

IMC Library 📚

All students have free access to student desktops, photocopying, printing, and book loaning services. If you would like to access these services, please make an appointment with us via 

Our online IMC Library collection includes books, journals, audio-visual materials as well as other resources, and provides a workspace for students. 

For more information about our online library, please contact

💱 The Fees Office

If you have a fee-related enquiry, you can email the Fees Office via 

Our Fees Office can help students with the following enquiries:

🩹 First Aid & IT Services

There is a first aid kit available at the reception desk. IMC staff immediately responds to any first aid assistance that is needed. 

The IT Department is available via Once you are enrolled, you will receive an email from the IT Department (within 48hrs) with details of how to log onto your Portal and set up your Moodle account. 

Our IT staff can help assist with any of the below enquiries: 

Classrooms 👨‍🏫 

There are 2 classrooms on campus and they are located in the same building. LG01 & LGo2. Please make sure you check your timetable to confirm your schedule. 

🤗 Student Services

If you have a question, you should always come here first. You can contact us via 

For the length of your degree, Student Services is here to support you and your study. We offer several online support services to help guide you, such as resume workshops, counselling services and student feedback. 

Common Area 🛋️

There is a large common area available to students also known as the learning centre. This space is open all day and is a nice quiet location for students to unwind and prepare for their next class.  

🥢 Kitchen Facilities

Right behind our reception desk is a small kitchenette. This area is available to all students. You will find microwaves, a fridge, tea and coffee available. 

Don't forget to upload your student photo

Upload your student ID photo via your Student Portal. This helps us verify your identity. You may apply for your Student ID card via this link.  

Academic Services 💻

The Academic Office is constantly committed to providing quality education that will help you succeed in your degree as well as your professional life in the future. You can reach them via 

We can help students with the following enquiries: 

✈️ International Students and VISA Conditions

For international students, it is very important to know your VISA conditions. 

VISA conditions 

OHSC requirements

International Student's Overseas Health Cover 🩺

Here are some pictures of the spaces available on Campus

Reception Area

Common area

Classroom LG02

Academic Support