Exploring the Animals
Exploring the Animals of Illinois
Welcome to exploring the animals of Illinois.
Explore videos, activities, reading materials, museum collections, and resources about animals that live in Illinois.
Exploring Animals of Illinois - Lower Elementary Unit
Explore Animals of the past and present that lived in Illinois. This unit for K-2nd grade explores animals using activities, museum collections, leveled reading material, and videos. Teachers may use as much of this packet as it fits with their curriculum. This unit was created in cooperation with lower elementary teachers.
Student Book List on topic
Web Resources on the topic
Life in the Dark: Illinois Caves
There is a whole world underground in Illinois Caves. ISM Educator Lorna Shuman explores the geology of caves and learns about a few animals that call caves their homes.
Elementary Level
Exploring Bats
Explore bats of Illinois with a Museum Educator.
Preschool through 2nd grade.
Biomimicry & Birds
Explore with ISM Zoologist Dr. Meredith Mahoney, as she looks at birds and their flight. Discover what strategies people might be able to mimic to solve design challenges.
Lower Elementary
Biomimicry & Mussel
Explore with ISM Zoologist Dr. Meredith Mahoney as she looks at Illinois mussels and how they live in water. Think about what people might be able to mimic to solve design challenges.
Lower ELementary
Biomimicry & Squirrel
Explore with ISM Zoologist Dr. Meredith Mahoney as she looks at squirrels and their unique features. Discover what strategies people might be able to mimi to solve design challenges.
Lower Elementary
Focusing on an Illinois Animal: Bats
Explore with ISM Educator Lorna Shuman looking at bats in Illinois and how they live
Lower Elementary
Focusing on an Illinois Animal: White-Tailed Deer
Explore with ISM Educator Sarah Davis looking at deer in Illinois and how they live
Lower Elementary
Focusing on an Illinois Animal: Turtles
Explore with ISM Educator Lorna Shuman looking at turtles in Illinois and how they live
Lower Elementary
Illinois Habitat: Farmland
Explore with ISM Zoologist Dr. Meredith Mahoney as she looks at the Illinois Farmland Habitat and some of the animals that live there.
Illinois Habitat: Caves
Explore with ISM Zoologist Dr. Meredith Mahoney as she looks at the Illinois Cave Habitat and some of the animals that live there.
Illinois Habitat: Forest
Explore with ISM Zoologist Dr. Meredith Mahoney as she looks at the Illinois Forest or Woodland Habitat and some of the animals that live there.
Illinois Habitat: Prairie
Explore with ISM Zoologist Dr. Meredith Mahoney as she looks at the Illinois Prairie or Grassland Habitat and some of the animals that live there.
Illinois Habitat: Wetlands
Explore with ISM Zoologist Dr. Meredith Mahoney as she looks at the Illinois Farmland Habitat and some of the animals that live there.
Upper Elementary
Illinois Habitat: Urban
Explore with ISM Zoologist Dr. Meredith Mahoney as she looks at the Illinois Urban Habitat and some of the animals that live there.
Upper Elementary
The Changes Exhibit - Exploring Illinois Habitats
Explore the Illinois Habitats through a virtual look in ISM's Changes Exhibit.
All levels
Meet a Scientist - Dr. Meredith Mahoney, Zoologist
Ever wondered what a zoologist does at a Museum? Join Stephanie Gragg as she talks with Dr. Meredith Mahoney to discover what she does at the ISM.
Meet a Scientist - Dr. Melanie Pardi, Paleontology
Ever wondered what a paleontologist does at a Museum? Join Stephanie Gragg as she talks with Dr. Melissa Pardi to discover what she does at the ISM.
Exploring the Osetology Lab
Spend time with ISM Curator Emeritus of Anthropology, Dr. Terrence D. Martin as he shows what the Osteology Lab at the ISM does and how scientists use this lab to tell them more information.
4th-12th grade