Climate Change 

Climate Change In Your Backyard Virtual Exhibition & Educational Materials

Welcome to the digital version of Climate Change In Your Backyard exhibit for educators.

You will find the entire exhibit, including text and images, and resource materials. These resources are for your use in teaching about native cats in Illinois. 

Virtual Exhibit

This is the exhibit that was in Hot Science Gallery. (PDF, Google Slides). A warming planet impacts nature, society, and individuals in ways that might surprise you. The Illinois State Museum's new exhibit Climate Change in Your Backyard will present examples of how climate change is shaping Illinoisan lives in the heartland. 


Student Book List on topic 

Web Resources on the topic

Videos and Audio files

Global Temperature from 1880 to 2018 put to music

What does climate change sound like? Listen to hear a piece of music where the pitch corresponds to the annual change in temperature from 1880 - 2018. Higher pitches correspond to more warming. Composed by Asy Connelly, The Tempestry Project.

Climate Change Through the Ages 

Ever wondered how the climate change we are experiencing compares to the past? How do scientists know what we are experiencing is different than past changes? Join Lincoln Land Community College Geology Professor Samantha Rief as she explores how the climate changed naturally in the past millions of years, what our current understanding of this change is, and how the current change is different. 

8th-12th Grade Level