About IOHK

What is Islamisation of Human Knowledge?

 What is Islamisation of Human Knowledge?

IOHK is an alternative paradigm for pursuing, teaching, developing, organizing, disseminating, utilising and evaluating contemporary human knowledge which is not infallible -- as distinct from Divinely revealed knowledge which is absolutely infallible -- in accordance with the worldview, fundamental principles, ethical values and norms of Islam.

This alternative paradigm views critically the different branches of contemporary human knowledge as presented by the secular Western behavioural sciences, social sciences, humanities as well as the natural, physical and applied sciences -- insofar as these sciences or parts thereof are imbued with, or constructed upon, worldviews, metaphysics, philosophical presuppositions, epistemologies, underlying assumptions, theories or principles which are contrary or repugnant to the Islamic creed of Tauḥīd, the ultimate objectives of the Sharī’ah, and Moral principles, values and norms (Akhlāq).

By the same token, this alternative paradigm considers any kind of knowledge, theories, practices, skills or systems coming from the West or the East, which are in harmony or congruent with the Islamic creed of Tauḥīd, the ultimate objectives of the Sharī’ah, and moral (Akhlāq) principles, values and norms of Islam, to be acceptable and adaptable.

The process of intellectual reform and transformation that this alternative paradigm implies, presupposes the process of “Islamicisation of the Self”, which refers to the sound development of the personality and character of the Muslim academics, scholars, professionals or administrators – particularly in an Islamic university. This process involves the inculcation of Islam’s spiritual and moral values, proper intellectual outlook and work ethics as contained in the Qur’an, the Sunnah and the works of great Muslim scholars of the past.

In conclusion, IOHK could be defined as the process by which aspects of acquired human knowledge -- as products of human reasoning, experimentation or sense experience -- are produced, constructed, developed, utilised and interpreted to be in accordance with the Beliefs, Tenets, Shari‘ah and Ethics of Islam (or Worldview of Islam).

Our Responsibilities

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Meet Our Team

Dr. Marsufah Jalil


Nuur Syafinaz Abirerah

(Committee Member)

Nur Jannah Ab Rahman

(Committee Member)

Akhmal Hakim Mohamad

(Committee Member)