Research Group

A note for future M. Tech/PhD candidates:

I am always on the lookout for motivated young researchers to work in areas related to nonlinear/adaptive control and time-varying systems. For details on our entrance procedure, please visit the Admissions page on the SysCon website. In general it is better if you are clear about specific directions you wish to pursue from amongst my interests. If indeed you have a problem that fascinates you, write to me and we can take it from there. However, generic copy-pasted emails expressing interest are of no avail.


PhD Candidates:

M. Tech/DDP Candidates:

Bachelor's Students:

PhD's awarded

Dual Degree Candidates (Awarded):

M. Tech Candidates (Completed):

Short-term Interactions:

Bachelors degree pursuants and others inclined towards doing short term research projects should contact me directly via email with a short summary of research interests and a recent CV.

If you are in IIT already, I will usually not accept students that have not gone through sufficient controls courses (read SysCon minor). Also 6 month interactions are too short to get anything sensible done. I get a very common query, “will we publish at the end of the interaction ?”. Honestly, that depends on you and your efforts. It is not just a matter of typesetting theory I already have in my head. A paper is an outcome of considerable effort and involves extending the sum total of current knowledge in an area. So NO GUARANTEES.

    If you are outside IIT, it is difficult to hire you since funding and stay are a big concern. The best avenue is the IITB Research Fellowship

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