

An Introduction to Inverse Problems

Dr. Manas Kar

Venue: Zoom (Online)

Date and time: Sunday, Apr 23 2023, 11:00 AM 


The Life of π

On the eve of Pi Day, Project Spiral, The Mathematics club of IISER Berhampur delighted to organise an interactive talk session with Professor M. Ram Murty (Queen's University). Click on the Read More button below to know more about the event.

Details about the Event:

Title: The Life of π

Speaker: Professor M. Ram Murty (Queen's University)

Venue: Zoom (Online) 

Date and time: Monday, March 13, 2023 (07:00 PM IST, 09:30 AM Ontario time)

A drunk man usually finds his way home, but a drunk bird may get lost forever.

The statement refers to random walks (colloquially called "drunk walks") in 2 and 3 dimensions respectively. In 2 dimensions, it has been proved, a point will almost surely return to it's starting point, but the probability drops as the dimension increases. In 3 dimensions, the probability drops to somewhere around 34%. 

Of course, if we were aware of the existence of super-beings that could freely traverse 4th dimensional space, we could extend the statement even further as "a drunk man usually finds his way home, and a drunk bird most probably wouldn't be able to. Thankfully super-beings aren't allowed in pubs.

Unfortunately (or fortunately) we cannot crack this joke since we aren't aware of the existence of such super beings. 

(Or are we?)

It's a murder with drunk crows, that's for sure.

More details in this enjoyable blog post here.