
Guest Editor

International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing - Special Issue on "Recent Advances in Robust Adaptive Control"

Technical Committee Member

Intelligent Control, IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS)


  • IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control

  • Automatica

  • IEEE Transactions on Cybernatics

  • IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems

  • IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernatics : Systems

  • International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing (Received Reviewer Certificate Award)

  • International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control

  • IEEE Access

  • IEEE Control Systems Letters

  • IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters

  • Conferences like IEEE CDC, ACC, IFAC World Congress, ECC etc.

Session Chair

  • "Adaptive and Robust Systems'" at American Control Conference (ACC), USA, 2021

  • "Nonlinear Systems" at IFAC Advances in Control and Optimization of Dynamical Systems, IIT Madras, India, 2020 (Co-Chair).